Chapter 1

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A red, blood filled spear pierced the rock next to me as I narrowly managed to fall to the side. Swoosh, Swoosh followed afterwards as my ears and eyes focused on the tip of the spear... drip, drops... drops of red, red, blood...and black, blank, nothing.  (First pov)

This was the training rounds of one of the many properties belonging to a noble family, the Khun family, and today was the very first day the children of this family picked up a spear. No instructions were given, this was but a gathering of kids with spears. Yet blood flowed, why? Because this was the Khun family, infamous for their amount of children — for the amount of competition. Since they where going to have to kill each other later anyway, why not now? Was a question bounded to have crossed the mind of these children. Though those more cunning than the other's would have stayed still because of such a weird opportunity being presented this was not one of them.

Khun Hyun Ki — no Hyun Ki as he has yet to receive the name was one such child. It seems unlike his name, he is not so shrewd. He held his spear and went for the strike. Perhaps as expected one carrying the blood of Khun Eduan, although not trained he managed to guide it enough to stab someone. Gyeong-Hui, our protagonist a child of a one of the many branch heads, a rather dominant one aiming for the position of nursing a Jahad princess... what a shock right? To think a child of such descend would get stabbed, it seems like she is very likely to bring honour to her family huh...  Regardless this was a fact, she got stabbed and fainted, a supposed talented child of a branch head, one who was supposed to be their Jahad princess got stabbed... I don't suppose this wouldn't cause problems now would it. (Third pov/narrator)

My child, my child got stabbed... is this...all my fault? Gyeong-Hui, I remember giving birth to you. That hateful guy, that branch head, your father always sought power and because of that I was forced to marry that dammed guy. Every day was torture, if I wasn't just a sex toy at night I would be a puppet to my parents who kept nagging me all day. Ah, I hatted that, my role was but to produce a Jahad princess because I was born in this so called jig, the Khun family with talent, I was a great commodity and was forced to commit incest. Screw this, I hope... I hope that the child I give birth to will be the definition of weak, I hope it will be nothing but an ant. Dear god, please I begged. 

But, but when I gave brith to you everything changed. Why didn't I kill you? Perhaps you and I wouldn't have to suffer so much otherwise but you became my everything... Smooth and soft skin, my fingers ran through her face, she got stabbed in the gut... My child got stabbed in the gut... Perhaps if I didn't make that dammed wish nothing would have happened... this is no good, if all you and I are worth is the producer of a Jahad princess and a future one having no power would lead us nowhere but our downfall... Sorry my child, I will make a standing for you so forgive me... I will let nothing touch us, I will make you strong. 

How? Well first off, you got stabbed right? Don't you worry, mommy won't let this spread, she will make you a princess with a befitting image feared, respected and all. Mommy will just kill everyone who know's of this matter, after all I am the wife of a branch leader so don't worry, mommy will take care of this. But my child, first you will need strength and a flower cannot truly bloom in a greenhouse. To truly bloom and glow you will need to be grown in the wild... Don't worry my child, it is my duty as a parent to bring you weak and easy prey to hunt before you can do it yourself right? Don't worry I'll make sure you survive and bloom beautifully... So wake up darling. You can't die so pathetically... Please, oh please, wake up... (Second pov)

Hello~ This will be my first time writing a fanfic so please excuse me and bear with me for any and all problems I have. This is just for fun so I'm sorry to say but there will be no set schedule but please leave a comment and share your thoughts. (Author)

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