Before she knew it, Heather was being picked up in a hug. "Thank you," Edie laughed tearfully, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." Heather laughed lightly, her head protesting the sudden movement but she didn't say anything because - this was it. Edie's wish had been fulfilled. When Heather caught sight of Edie, however, she was shocked. Right before her eyes, Edie was transforming.

Her bony body turned into a healthier looking figure, her tan skin looked youthful, her lips were fuller, her dark hair curled and her eyes twinkled - much like her son's. The woman before her was beautiful and like Edie in every way. Heather forgot about her dizziness as her eyes blurred with fresh tears. Noticing this, Edie held the younger girl tighter, before whispering in her ear, "Erik needs a woman like you."

Heather let out a wet laugh, her cheeks brightening, especially when she saw Edie's playful wink. It was then that Heather noticed how golden and glowing Edie looked, a sign that she was close to moving on. "Edie," Heather began in astonishment but the woman silenced her, before whispering in her ear, "Auf Wiedersehen, mein Schatz. Mein zukünftiger Schwiegertochter." Before Heather could even ask, Edie pulled away from her and stood in the middle of the room, blowing them each a quick kiss.

With a wide and brilliant smile on her face, Edie Lehnsherr disappeared into a shower of gold.

There was silence in the room for a moment before Heather and Erik were hugging tightly, Erik's chin rested on the smaller girl's head. "She's really gone," Heather mumbled in Erik's shirt, and Erik nodded slowly. Heather swallowed the lump in her throat, before a smile found its way onto her face. "She's in a better place," she mumbled once more, though the sound came out rather muffled.


"She's in a better - "

Erik pulled away slightly from their embrace, laughing, a lightness in his eyes and over his face that Heather had never seen before. "Now that you're not suffocated, mind repeating?" Heather rolled her eyes, but repeated, "She's in a better place." Erik hummed in agreement before releasing Heather. It was then that Heather remembered her dizziness and - accidentally - fell back into his arms.

Erik laughed. "What's wrong?"

"Dizzy," Heather responded simply, blinking her blurry eyes. Erik smiled at her before replying, "Must have used too much of your powers while practicing. Come on, time for you to take a nap." Heather pouted at that, mumbling, "I'm not a baby." But she followed him anyway.


"How can we believe you?"

Later that day, in the same sitting room, the entire group sat around in the many couches, their faces solemn. In front of them, stood the mutants Riptide and Azazel. The two had arrived at the mansion only ten minutes before, their presence greeted by Alex trying to shoot at them with his beam. Charles had called a truce, insisting that the two have their word before they try to attack them. Alex simply grumbled and sat in the corner, throwing dirty glares at the mutants as they talked.

"I mean, no offense," Heather asked, "But weren't you calling us stupid for not killing those humans? Why would you want to join us?"

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