Chapter 1.2: Exploration

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Horikita still seems reluctant.

"Horikita, I have a plan."

"What do you mean?"

"As we are right now, we may starve to death. We need food, water, and money. We're in a desperate situation, at the very least we should survive long enough to decide what to do."

Horikita ponders a little, I think I understand what she is worried about.

"Are you worried about everything that was left behind? Our class? No, Horikita-senpai?"

Laying out the bait, the fish bites. Now it should be easy to reel her in.

"This may not be the best method, but if we gain enough money, and notoriety, there is a possibility that others who also came from ANHS could hear about us."

And with those words, I finally caught the fish that is Horikita. ".... Fine, I'll trust you, I don't think I could survive by myself anyway."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Good, we should find a way to sustain ourselves, could you go around and see if you find anything?"

"I can, but I think you should come along, this place is dangerous, people here kill without a second thought."

"Yeah, let me unhitch my horse."

Once I unhitched Priceless, I brought him next to Janus.

"So.... Now what?"

".... I honestly have no idea."

We come across another dilemma, horse riding.

We still have no idea how to make a horse move, accelerate, or stop.

"I assume that pulling the reins is how you make them turn and stop, but how do we make them move?"

"Well, they had previous owners right? Maybe they were already taught commands."

Horikita climbs onto Janus. ".... Go?"

Janus doesn't respond.

"Try telling her to giddy up."

Horikita stares at me with a blank expression.


"... I'm not going to say 'giddy up'."

"Fine then, try saying something else."

"... get?"

Janus still doesn't respond.

"Maybe try it in a more commanding tone."

"... get!"

Janus finally starts to move, though at a slow pace.

"Ok, so do I...?"

Horikita tries pulling the right rein, which works, Janus turns to her right.

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