Day 1: freshman year begins

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"Goodbye girls, have a wonderful day! I packed your favourites for today" their mother reminded them before driving away from the entrance gate

"So Bella, ready for another year with your " favorite " sister" "not really haha" Bella said sarcastically.

A whole new school, a whole new life. A whole new... Lot of people. Bella was regretting her decision of entering into the same high school as her sister but that was the least of her worries. She was so nervous about meeting her online friend here since apparently this school was the one he goes too as well. All she knew was his last name "Heisenberg" since it was in his bio on his profile. But he only posted about his little creations and experiments so she didn't have a clue on what he looked like.

"Oh! That's destiny, I'll meet up with you during lunch?" "Yeah sure" "sweet!" And with that, Claire was gone in a second. Bella let out a deep sigh before checking her schedule and looking around for her home room.

"Aaaah! Help me!" A loud scream echoed through the crowds before a small girl appeared through and ran right into Bella. "Ouch- huh? Oh please help! That mean guy is chasing me around the school for accidentally spilling my chemicals on his hair!" She squealed, pointing towards the incredibly large figure. He somewhat seemed familiar in a way. Grey locks of hair, circular shades, incredible beard. Very toned shoulders and benched arms... Nah, couldn't be.

"Where the fuck are you you little twerp?! Our better get this shit out of my hair or I'll make you regret it!" "Hey you!" Bella shouted towards him in defense which, she earned herself a death glare from him "oh? You starting to depend on the freshmen now aye? Ack, pathetic" "watch your tone or I'll make you regret it!" She shouted another angry remark, earning a little smirk from him.

He walked up to bella and held her chin up for him to see her up close. "Sure thing, princess. But you should stay out of people's businesses, you don't know what you're getting yourself into" she slapped him after feeling her cheeks fluster from the sudden touch. The slap was so unintentionally hard it left a bright red mark across his face. The crowd was in shock and they all gasped. He looked up into Bellas eyes and wiped the slight drool coming from his mouth "This ain't over twerp. And as for you princess, I'll be seeing you around". He left them with a seducing but, menacing grin... This isn't good.

"Oh my god you saved my life! Thank you so much!" "N-No problem. That went, kinda okay? But anyways. What's your name? Minds Bella Lofthosé" "L-Lofthose??? As in the Lofthosé?? I've heard all about you guys! Your dad is a hard earning producer and mechanic since the dawn of time and your mother has the voice of an angel!" "Haha yep, that's my parents.. " "charmed and honoured to meet you! My names Jacinta Stork! You can call me JC for short. My older brother Salvatore attended here" "Hold on... The famous biologist Salvatore?? I heard of him! He's discovered 20% of our hidden aquatic species that the world's never known! Like the 'bloop', the oldest shark to ever live, and that fish from "Finding Demo". " haha yet that's him! Oh, the bells about to ring, do you need any help before I head to class?"

"Can you help me find my way to class?" "Sure!" "Thanks JC".

Karl's POV:

"Damn it. That twerp will pay! But, the freshman... She seems, oddly familiar, I feel like I've heard her voice before? Or seen her from somewhere before?"

'Crap! I gotta head to bed, will I see you on my first day at school?' 'Maybe, I can't promise anything' 'aw okay, talk later heisenberg!' 'Sweet dreams princess'.

"... Bella? No. It can't be her. She- wait... Fuck. If it was her, then I've, made a bad first impression! But it was all because of that stupid twe-"
His thoughts were interrupted by a teacher knocking on the door "Mr Karl Heisenberg. Your mother is here to pick you up now" "thank fucking god"..

As he walked out the principals office and into the entrance lobby there she was. Miranda Cortello. " So, what did you get in trouble with this time?" "None of your business you bitch." He snapped at her, walking up to the car with a sigh. "Please don't tell me you bullied your little sister again" "STEP-sister, we ain't goddamn rela-" he was interrupted again with other slap on the face, except one on the other cheek this time.

"Oh son, how you always seem to not see... Family is everything"

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