Chapter 1 : SEWERS

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As you and your friend stand before the vast sewers you both looked around flashlights in hand

You look around realizing raul wasn't beside you "raul"? You say as you hear your voice echo through the area you look around to see Raul's red cap on the ground next to a green pipe

Odd he never leaves without his hat you suddenly feel your self being sucked into it "OH NO" you shout holding onto the ledge of the pipe

Until you we're sucked in everything went black....

Your eyes start to flutter open realizing someone was looking at you

Open your eyes to see A MUSHROOM MAN?!?
A short little guy with a red and white mushroom cap he wore a royal blue vest and had a large backpack you look at him in amazement
"Oh hello" he says picking up Raul's hat "this must be yours you hesitantly grab the hat scooting away from the mushroom guy "my name is toad"!

He says gesturing for you to shake his hand witch you do "uhm I'm y/n"...." You say still shocked

Where am I you get up realizing toad was walking up around "THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM" you look around it is mushroomy

"Excuse me toad have you seen a guy who has brown hair and glasses he also wears a gray hoodie with a logo of an orange squid"?

Toad shakes his head sorrowfully "I don't know but the princess can help"! He say's grabbing your hand

You hold his tiny hand having to bend down a bit as you run to see a village with a large castle up on a hill
Meanwhile with princess peach
peach is sitting on her throne as toadsworth talks about bowser everyone scared "what are we going to do" one of the toads ask peach stands up

"I will not let him hurt you I have a plan I will go to the kong army and convince them to help us to defeat bowser" toadsworth speaks up "it will never work" peach smirks determined

"I will get them to help I will leave in the morning"
Peach walks out

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