Little blonde sheep

0 0 0

Talking = "example"
Action = example
Calling = -example-
Thinking = 'example'

Raiden's Pov:

I woke up after hearing my mom say that she was heading to work. I get up and run my hand through my long dark purple messy hair then headed straight for the bathroom. I bumped into the door of the bathroom and that's what woke me up completely. I opened the door, closed it, took off my clothes, turned on the shower water and hopped inside of the shower. I felt the hot water fall onto my skin. The shower felt calming and relaxing. After the shower I put on some sweats and a hoodie then I picked up my phone to check the time. It was 8:37 pm. "Damn, I must've taken a pretty long shower" I whispered to myself. I put some socks and shoes on then headed out of my house to take a walk in the forest. It might be my alpha instincts but I smelled distress signals. I slowly walked to where they were coming from then I saw a person with short light blonde blond hair that looked almost white. 'It must be an omega'   I thought to myself then started to approach the Omega. The smell of sweet apples and cornflowers filled my nose. It wasn't really a bad thing it actually smelled pretty good. I bend down to touch the smaller girls head that's when I noticed the horns on the side of her head. She turned to face me but when she did she instantly started to cry more. It was like she was in pain. I was looking all around to see what could've been the cause of this and I saw a bear trap. I tried to open it and after what like eternity I did. I examined her leg then decided that I should take her home to clean and wrap it. I pick the small girl up and too my surprise she was neither too heavy or too light and now that I can see her face properly she kind of looks like a boy. Well I did just assume the gender without asking since most Omega's are female. We get to my house and I head up to my room, sets the Omega on the bed and grabbed the first aid kit from underneath my bed. I grab the rubbing alcohol and some bandages

Word count (408)

I got lazy by bad

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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