During this time, the song ended and people burst into applause, asking for an encore.

Yu Dong smiled then pushed Ren Xinxin up the stage, handing her the microphone. Ren Xinxin was a little shy, but Xiang Xiaoyue gave her an encouraging smile as she flitted off the stage.


Seeing another beautiful woman come up the stage, the applause became more enthusiastic.

Alan and Lu Xuan naturally also saw Ren Xinxin. Alan glanced at his friend with a raised eyebrow.

Lu Xuan saw Ren Xinxin on the stage, and didn’t know what to think.

When Ren Xinxin started singing, her voice was very ethereal. It helped that Yu Dong chose Sarah Brightman’s Scarborough Fair for her to sing. When Xinxin opened her mouth, her soft voice echoed through the whole bar. The noise petered off into silence as all eyes were focused on the woman wearing a white skirt.

Gentle, pure, feminine, these traits seem to be encompassing the figure on the stage.

Like an angel who had graced these mortals with her presence, she looked like the epitome of hope and beauty!

People shouted goddess over and over again when the song finished, making Ren Xinxin blush.

Alan glanced at his friend’s face, only to see Lu Xuan’s face had turned green.

“She seems to be doing well!” Alan laughed.

This woman! Lu Xuan looked at the restless men below the stage, his face turning unsightly.

Finally, Yu Dong climed up the stage with a guitar.

Xiang Xiaoyue arched an eyebrow, then followed up the stage towards the drums. Ren Xinxin also reacted quickly, sitting in front of an unoccupied piano at the corner of the stage.

“Goddess, Goddess! ”

“Beauty, beauty! ”

The image of these women onstage caused the atmosphere to electrify.

After all, while there were a lot of beautiful women in the bar, many weren’t singers or able to play instruments, not to mention the trio on the stage were all beautiful in their own right. How can that not be exciting?

The girls had a wonderful time that night, especially Yu Dong. She hadn’t felt so young and carefree in over 10 years.

It was 3:00 a.m when they left the bar.

Xiang Xiaoyue and Yu Dong were most certainly drunk, with Ren Xinxin stuck between them, futilely trying to hold them up.

“You don’t need to hold us, you be more careful when walking instead.” Yu Dong leaned away from Ren Xinxin.

“Yes, you be careful, pregnant lady!” Xiaoyue hiccuped.

“Alright, I’ll call us a taxi then!” Ren Xinxin got them to wait near the bar entrance and walked to flag down a taxi.

There were very few cars that evening, with Ren Xinxin unable to find a taxi even after half an hour of standing by the intersection. She looked back towards her friends that were leaning against the building, her eyes full of worry.

“Ren Xinxin!” Suddenly she heard a low male voice call out to her.

Ren Xinxin looked back and saw Lu Xuan in a suit, looking gloomy.

Ren Xinxin thought of this man who took advantage of her, who caused disharmony between her and her parents. She didn’t want to acknowledge the man, so she looked back towards the streets immediately, continuing to wave her arm to approaching taxis.

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