Father Xia also smiled and nodded.

Holding Yu Dong’s hand, mother Xia said happily, “Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll be alright. Wait for me to plan your wedding.”

“Un.” Xia Feng didn’t speak, but Yu Dong nodded vigorously.

Looking at her son again, mother Xia was pushed into the operating room.

The three people who had to stay outside stood until the lights in the operating room came on, then sat on the chairs in the corridor.

Waiting was always the hardest. Yu Dong didn’t know how long she had been sitting, her legs and feet had long become stiff. She was also tired. Looking sideways she could see Xia Feng and father Xia looking at the operation doors.

Xia Feng asked, “Dad, the operation’s going to take another 5 hours. Do you want to lie down in my office for a rest?”

“No.” father Xia shook his head. “I promised your mother that I would wait for her to come out.”

Xia Feng, who knew his parents’ feelings well, knew he couldn’t be persuaded.

Yu Dong thought about it, then got up and left. Xia Feng watched her go and said nothing.

After a while, Yu Dong came back with 3 bottles of water and handed Xia Feng and father Xia a bottle each: “Uncle have some water.”

Yu Dong thought about the fact that 5 hours had passed since the operation started. Both men didn’t eat during this time and most likely didn’t have an appetite, so she just bought water.

“Thank you!” Xia Feng received the bottles.

Yu Dong silently sat on her chair again and slowly ended up leaning against the wall, fast asleep.

When Xia Feng saw this, he went to look for a nurse to ask for help. Soon a nurse procured a blanket, and Xia Feng carefully wrapped it around Yu Dong. Seeing her face lined with tiredness, he unexpectedly felt a little pity.

Time continues to walk steadily, no matter how much people want it to go faster.

When the operating lights turned off, father Xia stood up almost instantaneously. Xia Feng did the same after a beat.

After a while, a nurse pushed the operating bed out. Father Xia followed the bed while carefully observing mother Xia with eyes full of heartache.

“Director Wang!” Xia Feng looked towards Director Wang nervously.

Director Wang took off his mask, and while he was obviously exhausted, he still squeezed out a smile and said, “The operation was a success.”

Xia Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief and was so excited he didn’t know what else to say.

“How was it?” At this time, Yu Dong, who woke up, ran towards them anxiously.

“Well, I’m exhausted. No need to say anything else. Instead, when your mother has recuperated, just invite me to your house for dinner.” Director Wang patted Xia Feng’s arm then left.

“Is auntie alright?” Although the doctor’s words made Yu Dong believe the operation was successful, she still wanted to confirm with Xia Feng.

“My mom’s alright!” Xia Feng excitedly embraced Yu Dong happily, “My mom’s alright! My mom’s alright!”

“Oh…” Yu Dong took a moment, then slowly hugged Xia Feng back and comforted him.

“There’s no need to worry, auntie is fine.”

“Yes…I’m sorry.” Xia Feng, finally realizing what he was doing, quickly released Yu Dong.

“Why don’t we go see your mom?” seeing him embarrassed, Yu Dong distracted him.

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