Dewey Riley also screams, the girl scaring him.

He held the mask and his gun as he looked at the girl.

"Sorry!" He says. "I found this." He points his gun at the mask as Sidney tries to control her breath.

"Come on!" Dewey shouts at the other officers.


Billy Loomis was dragged out of the house to separate him and Melaine Alden.

Melaine Alden was pushed up against the wall by an officer she didn't recognize as he began to read her, her rights.

"Puts your hands together" he demands. "Do you wish to give up your right to remain silent?" He asks as he slips the cuffs on.

Melaine Alden turned her head to look at him, "watch the hands" she demands referring to him patting her down on all the wrong places.

"Do you wish to give up your right to speak to an attorney... and have them present during questioning?" He questions.

Lainey smirks at the officer, "I'm gonna sue you for everything you have" she says as the officer begins to walk her out of the house.

When they walk past the fence the sheriff gets there and Dewey Riley joins his side.

"What do you got, Dewey?" He questions fiddling with his hat in his hand.

"I caught them, Sheriff." Dewey announces.

"Wait" sheriff demands. "Them? Who is that?" He points the the girl being walked out in cuffs.

"Melaine Alden" Dewey says with a sigh.

"Damnit" the sheriff mutters. "And that?" Sheriff points to Billy who was being handcuffed.

"Billy Loomis." Dewey says.

"Sheriff, Sheriff, call these guys off. I didn't do it." Billy pleads.

"Let's go" the sheriff tells Dewey as Billy is being shoved into the pack of a police car.

"Sheriff, wait! Wait, listen. Call my dad." Billy yells. "Please, call him. He'll tell you. Just call him. Sidney! Sidney!"

Lainey didn't say a word as she was walked to the sheriff.

Her face was blank and she didn't show any emotions.

Her father had taught her this seeing as he was a lawyer.

Laine wondered why Hank Loomis hadn't taught his son to keep his mouth shut if he ever got arrested.

Melaine had scolded him in her head as he shouted like a child who didn't get the toy he so desperately wanted.

"What do we do with her sheriff?" The man questions.

"Put her in mine" he says as he points to his police car.

Sheriff goes to walk past them but Lainey stops him.

"Sheriff" the man stops and looks at the girl. "I'd take him off duty because as soon as I see my father I'm telling him what a pervert this guy is" she informs him. "And I'm suing his ass."

Sheriff sighs as he motions for the officer to put the girl in the police car.

And that's where she sat until the sheriff was ready to leave.


Micheal Alden answered the phone upon it ringing as he sighed.

He was such and tired of this phone.

To People You Don't - Stu Macher - 1Where stories live. Discover now