The Beginning

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[Y/n] the normal boy. Just a normal guy, with normal friends, normal parents, and normal schoolwork. Just normal... and so, so, so boring.

He stretches in his chair a bit and looks out his window from his spot in front of the computer. The PC hums softly as his game runs before he closes it down. [Y/n] stands and sighs softly, leaning on his windowsill leading to the metal balcony that held some of his excess items. He watches the rooftops, knowing that it'll be another night of watching for something interesting and being sorely disappointed. 

[Y/n]'s eyes widen as four figures go screeching past on the opposite rooftop. "Holy shit. What... who is that?" 

He slowly closes his curtain so that he can peek around it to watch them and not be seen. Watching the brothers from a distance as his heart races in excitement. 'This is amazing! Holy shit, this is the greatest thing ever! Goodbye boring life, hello monster hotties!' The thought process of a man who loved monster romance is a dangerous one, especially when paired with no self-preservation. 

He watches them as they battle some weird-looking robots and grows increasingly excited. 

His eyes are drawn to the one with the blue mask. Watching him skillfully swing the katanas in his hands. Seeing how the blades caught the nighttime lights and the light of the weird "bullets" coming from the glowing guns. The way he commanded attention and respect with the way he moved.

When [Y/n] finally sees the four turtles depart from the roof he moves away from the window with a large grin. He flops down onto his bed before screaming into his pillow. "That was amazing!"

[Y/n] jumps when his dad bangs on his door a little. "Your mom and I have work in the morning, bud."

 "Sorry! I'll keep it down! Night, Dad!" He hears his dad shuffle away back to his bedroom and laughs softly.

"I need to be ready next time I see them." He decides, getting up and returning to his computer to do copious amounts of various research.

Love to Hate You Leonardo X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now