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°•°•rhaenyra hit the womans chest "you imbecile" the woman mumbled, jaelys hummed dropping a kiss on her wifes lips "love you too ...now i have a certain stag to visit" the tall woman mumbled against the queens lips°•°•

°•°•rhaenyra hummed "don't make to long my love ...i wish to reward my fearless knight for all she's done for me" the queen said with a smirk, a deep chuckle rumbled in jaelys chest as she placed one last kiss on her wifes lips "as my queen commands" °•°•

°•°•the was one thing someone shouldn't do if you don't want jaelys velaryon hunting you down and making your death so brutal, you would feel it even in the afterlife—and that was fucking with the people she cares about, especially her wife and ch...

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°•°•the was one thing someone shouldn't do if you don't want jaelys velaryon hunting you down and making your death so brutal, you would feel it even in the afterlife—and that was fucking with the people she cares about, especially her wife and children°•°•

°•°•midnight's large frame dropped down on stormsend with a loud roar leaving her mouth, so loud it shook the foundation of stormsend. the guards posted outside looked to the beast in fear as they watched jaelys calm figure dismount it and strolled to the entrance with her hands in her pockets and a whistle leaving her lips°•°•

°•°•jaelys silver eyes looked to the shaking guards as she chuckled "hello there lads, beautiful weather it is today yes" smiled the tall woman just as a thunderstorm struck by and the rain continued its pouring making the guards even more frightened °•°•

°•°•"well" jaelys clapped her hands together "i came to see lord borros, just for a little chat" the two guards looked to each other for a moment and that moment was taking to long for jaelys liking as it made her annoyed°•°•

°•°•jaelys sighed "i see i'm not welcomed than" she could see their hands on the hilt of their swords "oh well" and just like a blur, jaelys pulled out two arrows and shot the two right in the head°•°•

°•°•the tall woman placed her bow back on her back as she strolled pass the now dead bodies and into the castle with the whistle echoing throughout the halls°•°•

°•°•she kicked open the doors to the main hall making everyone inside jump in surprise, her eyes zeroed on lord borros sitting on his chair as she smirked "hi there borros" °•°•

°•°•three guards ran forward with their swords in hold, jaelys dodged ones hit as she took ahold of his arm twisting it around and hit her elbow hard on it—breaking the mans arm as he screamed. she swang the man letting him hit the other as she pulled out a arrow shooting it to the third guard hitting him in the heart whilst she turned and shot the other two in the head°•°•

°•°•her silver eyes snapped to borros "my daughter was here not long ago with a letter, or am i wrong?" jaelys walked to the man on the chair as she shot two arrows at the oncoming oncoming guards, hitting them right in their throats°•°•

°•°•"you denied our call when your house bent the knee and swore your loyalty to my wife or am i speaking lies?" the woman walked even more closer to borros as she shot one arrow to a guard who was running up behind her without even looking as she knew it hit his chest°•°•

°•°•"no, you decide to side with the usurper rather than rhaenyra targaryen who is the rightful queen of the seven kingdoms" jaelys turned around just in time to flip the last guard over her shoulder , dropping him hard on the ground as she stomped hard down on his head three times letting his brains splatter across the stone floors°•°•

°•°•"you turn my daughter away and she was in danger being chased by a dragon bigger than hers by that one eyed prince you betrothed to your daughters" lord borros was about to stand but jaelys kicked him back on his chair as she pointed her arrow to his head with her silver eyes glared darkly at him°•°•

°•°•the stag was frightened to his core the sea dragon "now i shall kill you for betraying and breaking your oath to my wife— i promised to make this quick so i can return home and please my woman" borros didn't even have time to protest before jaelys logdged her arrow in his head°•°•

°•°•the tall woman turned to the mans daughters who were huddled together, she rose her brow "who is the eldest here?" she asked the girls , one stepped forward as she looked to jaelys in fear°•°•

°•°•"what's your name?" the girls hands shook as she looked down "cassandra" her voice squeaked, jaelys squinted her eyes humming "are you all girls?" she asked once more°•°•

°•°•cassandra shook her head "we have baby brother, royce ...he is mere seven days old, our mother died birthing him" answered the girl, jaelys nodded nearing the girl°•°•

°•°•"i killed your father for a good reason he was a bad man, remember that ...now bury your loss. you are lady of stormsend until your brother reaches the right age to become your successor" said jaelys as cassandra looked to her in shock°•°•

°•°•"but you will swear your loyalty and house to the queen, rhaenyra targaryen" her voice stern as cassandra glanced to her sisters who all nodded quickly afraid for their safety, cassandra kneeled before jaelys "i, cassandra baratheon, lady of stormsend give over my loyalty, my house, my sword and my bannerman to the rightful queen, rhaenyra targaryen. i swear this by the old gods and the new" the girl swore°•°•

°•°•jaelys helped her up as she nodded "good, until than lady of stormsend" with that jaelys left with her whistling following behind her°•°•

A/N: jaelys and them kids deff listen to yeat before beating everybody ass💀

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