Getting Acquainted

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"So I have come down to deliver them out of slavery, and bring them to a good land, a land flowing with milk and honey. And so, unto Pharaoh, I shall" God explained even further.

"Me?!" Moses was shocked and in fear. "Who am I to lead these people? They'll never believe me, they won't even listen."

"I shall teach you what to say." God said.

LET MY PEOPLE GO!! Moses' voice said.

That's right! He told the Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go! I thought.

" But I was their enemy. I was the prince of Egypt, the son of a man who slaughtered their children. You've... You've chosen the wrong messenger. H-how can I even speak to these people?" Moses protested while pointing out what had happened.


Moses reared back in fear as the fire from the bush flickered violently. I yelped in fear as I held on to Ariel; knowing my fear of fire was intact.

"It's okay, Mei!" Ariel hugged me close as well as my cousins.

"WHO MADE THE DEAF, THE MUTE, THE SEEING OR THE BLIND?! DID NOT I?! NOW GO!!!!!" God roared at Moses who trembled. I too was this close to a panic attack now.

Moses felt the loving breeze from God as he was floating.

I felt it too now on my face as God reassured me that everything was okay.

"Oh, Moses...I shall be with you when you go to the King of Egypt. But Pharaoh will not listen." God said, gentle and forgiving. "So I will stretch out my hand, and smite Egypt with all my wonders. Take the staff in your hand, Moses. With it, you shall do my wonders. I shall be with you, Moses."

The voice repeated Moses' name as Moses felt at peace and filled with awe with God's love for him and the Hebrews.

While he went down from the mountain and to his home, we wondered about what to do next.

"So, what's our strategy?" Jamie asked Rani since she is the Sorceress. Rani has the powers of all the sorcerers combined including all four elements: Air, Earth, Fire and Water. She also has a fifth element: space, including rainbows.

Krishna, Kimiya, Jamie and I are Rani's decoys. Krishna has the sword to the Pridelands, and she has the powers of earth. Kimiya has the bow and arrow to the Pridelands and she has the powers of the wind, and of nature like insects and locusts. Jamie has the slingshot to the Pridelands and her powers are of ice and snow. I wield the quarterstaff, and my powers are of the moon, and of water. I can create moonbows, moonbeams, rainbows with the water, all the colors of the rainbow with the moon's emotions. With Sweeney, he has a brooch pinned to his Victorian vest and when he wields it, it becomes the Sword of Saint Michael, the Archangel. With it, he has the powers of the sun, including solar beams, sun drops, sunbows, sunbeams, and different rainbow colors to see into another person's soul and aura. He also has the power of fire; he uses it for warmth and light, and he could use it to send enemies to the eighth and ninth circles of Hell.

"We stow aboard and see what will happen when we go to Egypt." Rani planned out. So with the wave of her scepter; we became little people like the Borrowers. Rani and I were hidden beneath Moses' robes while Ariel, Jamie, Kim and Krishna were in a bag that the camels carried. I poked out my head and saw that we were now at the palace in Egypt and there were two high priests---one short and plump while the other was skinny whom were done with their magical tricks. Moses' staff was a snake and it ate the two snakes that the two priests were teasing it with.

Then I positioned myself back inside with Rani.

"Has he tried anything yet?" Rani whispered to me.

" least not yet." I whispered.

Tests of Courage-A Prince of Egypt AdventureHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin