15. Headache

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Leah's POV

The girls were chatting loudly at breakfast although I wasn't paying much attention, my eyes kept scanning the room waiting for one person in particular to come down and join us.

Finally, Alexa entered the breakfast hall, she looked effortlessly good as always. It makes her so attractive that she doesn't even have to try to look good. Her tanned skin looked amazing against her training kit and her hair was just thrown up into a messy ponytail, hair that I had my hands through last night.

I started to get lost in my thoughts of last night before looking down as I realised I was staring. Not very subtle Leah.

I smiled briefly at her as she sat down next to me but even in the brief moment that she locked eyes with me I felt my heart beat rise, her green eyes are mesmerising. I couldn't be caught just daydreaming into my teammates eyes so I kept my eyes on my plate.

Alexa seemed distracted and I wanted to reassure her after last night so I quickly glanced around that no one else would be able to see and took her hand under the table. I could see her smile slightly out of the corner of my eye and then squeeze my hand in return.

As I sat there in my own world happy to be holding hands with the girl next to me, Tooney brought up the photo of Alessia and Alexa that I'd seen on my Instagram this morning and suddenly my bubble was burst.
It was a good photo don't get me wrong and usually it wouldn't bother me but it was their reaction to it now. Alessia was blushing as Alexa complimented the photo and they exchanged smiles with each other that I didn't really know the meaning of.

I felt my heart drop and removed my hand from Alexa's feeling slightly awkward and.. jealous? I'm sure I was probably being dramatic but how could I know if she was as into me. I can't be distracted by a girl when I am in the middle of the biggest moment of my career, captaining England in the Euros. I did still want to hug Alexa when I saw her face drop as I removed my hand though.

Alexa's POV

Whilst I was laying on a mat stretching out in the gym my mind was spinning. I was running through any signs or clues that Alessia could like me as more than friends.

I guess she compliments me a lot, usually about my hair or skin, I guess once about my legs.. that could just be friendly though, she's a nice girl. Although, she has started blushing recently like just now at breakfast or when Jill joked about us making a good couple. Also, she held my arm on the plane, but that was just a friendly gesture to calm me down wasn't it?

We've been friends for about 7 years so surely I'm overthinking this and she just cares about me? I glanced across the gym and saw Alessia smiling brightly at whatever Chloe was saying. It's a fact that Alessia is a pretty girl but I'd never considered her in this way before, and I wasn't even sure if she was into girls? I shouldn't be having these thoughts about a friend.

I then looked across at Leah and got instant butterflies, just by watching her stretch out her legs.

It was all too much. All the thoughts swirling round my head were getting overwhelming and I had started to get a bad headache. I spoke to the coaching staff briefly and excused myself to my room with the promise of rehydrating properly and taking a nap.

I had been napping for an hour or two when I heard a knock at the door. Was it Leah?

I climbed out of bed and opened it to find Alessia standing there shyly smiling at me.

"Hey, I thought I'd just check you're okay and I brought you some bits for your headache"

"Hey Less, aw thanks come in" I was aware of how half asleep I must look in my big tshirt and shorts with my hair all over the place. Although it shouldn't matter, she's just a friend, I told myself.

Alessia handed me a bag with lucozade, water and tablets in it, she was so thoughtful.

"Do you want some company for a bit, we could watch a film?" she asked kindly

I considered saying no for a second but actually some company sounded quite nice. We sat down on my bed and I got my laptop out to put Netflix on. I was aware of how close we were sat and usually I would have cuddled up to her, but with my recent thoughts about her potential crush on me, I refrained from doing so.

We had been sat comfortably watching the film for 30 mins or so when my phone buzzed in bed next to us

Leah - 'Are you okay? I heard you went to bed with a headache x'

I felt awkward that I was getting a text from her whilst sat next to Alessia so I tilted my phone screen so that she couldn't see it and replied quickly

Me - 'Yeah I'm ok thanks for checking x'

Leah - 'let me know if you need anything x'

I felt a rush of guilt with Leah's reply as she was being really sweet whilst I was sat in bed with another girl. I wasn't technically doing anything wrong as Alessia really was just my friend, but it felt wrong.

After the film finished I went to let her out of my room. As I said bye Leah was arriving back at her room next door. I saw her eyes travel between us both as Alessia came out of my room and her eyes landed on me stood in just my bed tshirt and shorts, she nodded "alright" and just awkwardly smiled at us both. Well that looks bad.

Authors note

I included Leah's POV to mix it up a bit
Also Leah vs Alessia - thoughts? 👀

Her Eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें