Waking up, I found Dumbledore, Snape, Minnie and Remus around me. I was sleeping on something soft, most probably the hospital bed.

" Good afternoon Miss Potter" Dumbledore greeted in his usual enthusiastic voice yet the twinkle in his eyes had died down a little.

" Sorry about -"

" It's quite alright, i did deserve it " he laughed it off cutting me in the middle

" I apologise, I didn't know you and your brother were abused by the Dursleys" He said with his head bowed down

Shit! I said that? The Dursleys do treat us badly but not as much as the Dursleys from the books. It's not bad enough to be called abuse.

" It's alright, you didn't know" I decided to play along. If it gets me out of the Dursleys house, i will definately not mind lying.

" I believe, I will have to talk to Petunia again. Rest well Miss Potter " He said walking away from the hospital

" Oh, and Mr Lupin said it's good to have you back " his voice echoed before he disappeared

I turned to Remus for an explanation. He looked nervous, almost as nervous as I remember when he held me for the first time.

" Your hair and eyes, they look exactly the same as they did when you were born " He said handing me a mirror

I looked at my reflection to see a girl with black messy hair and amber eyes staring back.

" How do you know that? were you friends with mum and dad? " I asked him. Although I knew, I just wanted to hear it from him

I heard Snape scoff as Remus started talking. " Him and I were best friends " he said with a smile.

" Then why did you leave me and Harry? Why didn't you take us in? "

I know that was very rude of me to ask, considering I knew he was a werewolf and the ministry wouldn't allow him to take us in. But, for some reason I wanted to hear the truth from everyone themselves.

" I-I " he stuttered, seemingly trying to find an appropriate lie

" He's a werewolf " Snape impatiently said from behind earing a small scoldings from Minnie.

" Oh "

Now how was I supposed to reach to this blunt reply to Snape

" I'm also your Godfather" he said with a little hope and nervousness

I stared at him and without thinking hugged him, tears drenching his shoulder.

Calmly down Snape offered me a choclate and sat down with a serious look. Minnie had left for her duties by now.

looks like I'm in trouble

" When did you learn Occlumency? I know you had a little resistance on your first year, but your mind now is nearly impossible to penetrate"

" I practiced during the summers of second and third year "

Snape looked at me like he didn't know weather to be angry or proud.

" The little trick you did to keep away the dementors have made you more sensitive to everything around you. This is why you feel emotions strongly. Perhaps if you concentrate a little, you would be able to feel others too. Maybe even manipulate it " he said standing up and walking away in his famous bat man style.

Remus tucked me in with a ' rest well ' and left for his duties leaving me alone in the hospital room.

What Snape said made a lot of sense, I did feel sensitive to everything around me. Maybe I could tweak it for my own benefit.

Walk to the dungeons was pretty lonely, I wanted to cuddle up with Harry but the Fat lady was drunk with the potrait across the hall.

Dropping the idea, I walked towards my dorm. Maybe reading a few novels would help

" Cerry! Lia! CAMELIA! "

I flinched at the sudden yell. Turning, I looked at the concerned blue eyes.

" You alright? " Theo asked pulling me down on the couch

I was already in the coomon room?

" No "

" What happened? "

" I just found out that Dumbledore locked my metamorphmagus abilities and Remus Lupin is my Godfather"

" Damn, that's a lot " he said placing his head on his knees.

" Want a hug? " He asked breaking the silence.

I nodded, letting myself drowse in his embrace. Falling asleep on the couch.

Draco, who was looking for his friends raised a brow at the sleeping duo but did not comment.

Returning with a blanket he drapped it around the two.

" Blind idiots " he muttered walking away

 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚃𝚆𝙸𝙽 𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙺𝙽𝙴𝚆 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora