David basically almost busted the door down making the couple look at him in shock "Nigga you break that door you paying" Bobby said pushing past the male and putting the bags he had in his hand down "I got money" David flashed his money "Put that away before someone stole that shit" Valentina whisper in her cousin's ear warning him of a new person that walked in with them. 

"Who is this" Darrian pointed at the same person Valentina was talking about "This is my boyfriend Jason" Ashly hugged his arm but even tho Ashly introduced him it still made the three uneasy due to the fact that he had his ski mask and didn't pull it down.

There was an awkward silence in the air and Valentina really hope someone would break it "anyways lets eat" Amari said clapping her hands and opening the bag.

David looked at his cousin then at his friend and they all looked at Ashly's boyfriend who was standing in the far corner just watching their friends who were at the table but he doesn't know that the three are eyeing him down. Valentina pulled her cousin down so he could be close to her just in case something happens "I don't trust that nigga one bit" Darrian whispered to the other two and they nodded agreeing with him.

"Why yall acting all weird" Justin says sitting next to them and handing their food to them "Nah that dude is giving weirdo vibes" Valentina whispered to her cousin and he look at the male then back at them "Ik me and dudeylo was just talking bout that in the store," he said.

Dudeylo sat on the couch next to Darrian who was gripping his gun "Bro stop gripping ya gun" Darrian turned to him "Nah bro" Dudeylo rolled his eyes then wrapped his arm around his friend to try to take some of David's fries but got his hand smacked by the younger male.

Jason moved closer to everybody and sat across from the group on the couch Valentina looked at him and he smiled at her which gave her a weird feeling she turned away and looked back at her boyfriend "Bro Imma kill you get off my stuff" David said to Dotty who was touching David's phone that was on the charger.

"It's my charger" Dotty defended himself "Idfc I had it first" David got up and walked over to Dotty to start another play fight, they started fighting everyone was laughing or recording which was mainly Justin.

Dudeylo get up cause his friends called him over to help Dotty who was fighting "Valentina come help dd they tryin jump him" Justin yelled/laughed, she get up to play leaving her boyfriend on the couch still staring at Jason who was staring back at him.

Jason smirked and pulled out his gun trying to scare Darrian but it just made Darrian mad so he pulled out his to show the other male that he was not scared, Jason smiled and quickly got up pointing his gun at Darrian's girlfriend making Darrian start shooting at Jason.

Everyone dropped down avoiding the shootout that was happening right before their eyes, Dudeylo cursed himself for not bringing his gun. Darrian shot the boy right in the chest making him fall "Jason!" Ashly screamed Bobby held his cousin back and Valentina ran to her boyfriend making sure he was okay.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT " Ashly yelled in Darrian's face and he had a stink face on his face "Idgaf he tried to hurt my girl so I started shooting," Darrian said shrugging when Ashly freed her arm. She slapped him which caused Valentina to react and punched her in the face "Watch ya hands bitch" Amari pushed Valentina to defend her friend.

Valentina got up and jumped on Amari starting a real fight, Valentina punch Amari in the face and got one returned but once the other girl fall to the floor she started choking her "VAL CHILL!" Justin pulled his cousin off but she got out of his grasp and was about to go back to fighting the girl but her boyfriend grabbed her and hugged her.

"Ma it's okay" Darrian kissed her forehand and she started crying "Why you crying baby" he added moving away a little to see her face "I hate when you do that shit" She buried her head in his chest. Darrian knew how much his girlfriend hates when he uses his gun because she gets scared that one day it will be her boyfriend on the floor bleeding out. 

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