Chapter 2: The Paper

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Ethan was at his class when the university campus informed everyone that a girl was drowned at the pond. The moment Ethan heard the announcement, he leaves his class and rushed to the pond when he was shocked to what he saw. Erin was drowning and no one in the school campus has yet to save her, so he jumped into the pond to save her and provided cpr and first aid to her. Ethan do have knowledge in first aid. So he immediately put cpr to Erin like chest compressions and mouth to mouth resuscitation until Erin was saved. It was too late when the university medics arrived in the incident, Erin was already saved by Ethan.

Erin: /*coughing, E-e-ethan? Is it really you? What just happened?
Ethan: Erin, you drowned in the pond! What did you do?
Erin: I was walking beside the pond when I slipped because I stepped something slippery and wet, and that was the time I fell into the pond. Did you save me?
Ethan: Yes, and I'm sorry I have to do the mouth to mouth resuscitation to you, I do not have any other option because the medics hasn't arrived yet, and everyone was just staring at you and panicking what to do.
Erin: Ethan, I owe you my life, thank you so much.
Ethan: Here, let me carry you to the clinic to rest.

   The time Erin knew that Ethan saved her, she can already feel that ethan likes her, and Erin felt something strange also to herself. But, she prevent the feelings to let out. She just considered it as a help, no more than that.
   The incident was addressed to the director, which is Ethan's dad. Francis was pissed off to what his son did. So he called out Ethan to go to his office to talk.

Francis: Ethan, have a seat.
Ethan: What is it this time dad?
Francis: I heard that you saved a girl that has been drowned, is it true?
Ethan: Yes dad, I saved her and applied my learnings in first aid treatments.
Francis: Who is this girl? Do you know her?
Ethan: She's just a friend of mine dad, and please if you're going to force me tell more about her, I don't have time dad. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going back to my class. */leaves the office.

   Ethan goes back to his class after he leaves the office, while Francis suspects Ethan that he doesn't think of Erin as just a friend. So he hired a personal detective to watch Ethan and Erin's moves within and outside the university campus. He spent a lot of money just to have an eye between the two.
    As Erin was resting at the clinic, she's still confused why Ethan did that, there were so many people that can help her, but why did Ethan came by? She just ignores her confusions and think that Ethan helped her because he's her friend.

   -A week later-

     Ethan was planning to surprise Erin about his trip to Paris for his upcoming project as a training for aeronautics, he want Erin to come with him as all expenses is paid by him. His plan was written in a piece of paper, he always bring that paper with him. The detective that Francis paid wants to know about the paper that Ethan is bringing everyday. One time, Ethan dropped the paper while he's walking through the university park. The detective was following Ethan, and he saw that Ethan dropped the paper. The detective picked it up and read what is inside. When he knew what Ethan was planning, he immediately addressed it to Francis.

Detective: Sir, Ethan dropped this piece of paper while walking in the university park. /*gives the paper
Francis: I see, my guts was never been wrong, Ethan likes this girl and now he's planning to go to Paris with her and will tell her this coming week!
Francis: You can go back to work, and watch Ethan's moves.

Francis informed Francine about Erin and gave her a lot of information, even what Erin looks like together with Ethan's plan, he tasked Francine to do anything just to stop his son's plan. Ethan didn't know that Francine was also studying in Sorus University and pursuing her degree in business administration, that's why Francine can do anything inside.
   Ethan noticed that the paper was missing, he finds it everywhere in the campus, but he couldn't find it. He's worried that someone picked it up, and he don't know what to do now. But still, he's still looking forward to tell his plan to Erin.

-Next Day-

    Francine was about to attend her class when she saw Erin walking by. At first, Francine was kind to Erin, she approaches her and introduces herself to Erin.

Francine: Oh Hi! I just saw you and you look so beautiful dear! By the way, I'm Francine Vanderbilt. How about you dear? What's your name?
Erin: Vanderbilt?! You own the Vanderbilt Corporations?! It was nice meeting you Francine, I'm Erin Cassidy.
Francine: Not really, it was run by my dad. But I'm the heiress of it.
Erin: Wow, you must be so rich and you're so beautiful.
Francine: Well sort of hahaha!
Francine: Where are you heading to?
Erin: I'm about to hang out with my friends in the park
Francine: Oh great! Can I come? I can skip my class today. I want to meet your friends too!
Erin: Sure, you may.

    Francine attached herself to Erin and made her as her friend at first. Erin introduced Francine to her friends.

Erin: Girls, I want you to meet Francine.
Trixie and Caroline: Hi Francine! We're Erin's Friend. Do you guys know each other Erin?
Erin: Uhm well Francine is.......
Francine: I'm Erin's friend
Erin: Yes sort of, Francine is my friend.
Trixie and Caroline: Oh, well we're glad that you met another friend Erin.

    Trixie and Caroline was just pretending that they like Francine, but they don't really like her because they can feel something strange about Francine that might cause trouble to Erin.
    Now that Francine met her targets, she can now do something to prevent Ethan's plan to go to Paris with Erin.
    Erin was walking in the hallway of her department which is the fine arts, when she noticed someone was following her...

-End of Chapter 2-

~Proceed to Chapter 3~

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