Chapter 9

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June's POV

After arguing with Rezzoch for a bit I finally snapped. I lunged forward to try and attack them but Dirk and Quint held me back.

"You can't attack them June!" Quint yelled

"Why not?" I yelled back

"Because that's not just Rezzoch!" Quint replied, "That's Jack!"

I stop and start to tear up and soon tears are falling down my face. Quint starts to tear up too.

Rezzoch chuckles, "Well this has been a lot of fun but I'm afraid I must go."

I don't say anything back. I just stare with tears streaming down my face as Rezzoch leaves. At this point Quint has broken into a full on sob. I feel bad for him. He's been close with Jack longer than any of us. It was probably the hardest for him

Dirk was tearing up and turning his face away so that no one would see.

Hatred and rage was building up inside me begging to be let out. I have an urge to punch something. An urge to scream. An urge to throw something.

I run forward towards Rezzoch and tackle them but a vine shoots out of the ground and wraps around me.

"Don't even try," Rezzoch hisses.

I fight against the vine trying to get free but the grip only tightens. I look down at Jack and I see something flicker in his eyes and the vine's grip loosens for a second but then tightens again.

Was Jack still in there? Was there a chance of saving him?

I kick at the vine but it's no use. I feel the grip loosen again, enough for me to slip out of the vine's grasp.

"June!" Quint shouts. "What were you doing?!"

"I don't know," I mumble

I rush over to where Quint and Dirk are.

"Why would you do that?" Dirk says.

"I don't know I just-" I pause, thinking of what to say but no words come out. All I can think about is what just happened.

"How about we just go back to the treehouse," Dirk suggests.

"Yea," Quint agrees.

I silently agree as we walk back to the treehouse. I walk into my room and lay down on my makeshift bed and fall asleep with one thought in my head. Could we get Jack back?


Hey. Thank you for continuing to read my fic. Credits to for giving me ideas for this chapter. The next chapter might come in late January to early February. Anyways, Happy Holidays and happy New Year! See y'all in 2023!

TLKOE Possessed Jack AU ||DISCONTINUED|| (re-posted)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum