Shrugging, Aster nodded. "Technically, I'm not an Avenger right now. But yeah."

Eyeing her wearily, Peter squinted. "Um, with all due respect... What's in it for you?"

"Well, that's my next point. It's a win-win. If I show you how to get on Avenger-level badassery, then I have an excuse to get out and get a little action again. And you can help me fit in at school until I convince Ross I don't need to be there anymore." She paused for a moment, thinking back to the last time they were face-to-face like this. "Besides, I guess I kinda owe you. From when you broke my landing at the airport.

"Oh, that," Peter said, scratching the back of his neck. A hint of a smirk appeared on his face. Aster wanted to take back her words. "That was nothing."

Aster rolled her eyes, sticking out a hand for him to shake. "Okay, Mr. Humble, are you in or not?"

Before taking her hand, Peter hesitated. "Hang on, how are you gonna help me if you're not allowed to be seen as Starlight?"

She raised one eyebrow. "You underestimate me. I was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent for years before I even realized I had powers. I can kick ass in my old suit without using cosmic energy. I'll have a whole new identity."

The shock was evident on Peter's face.

Aster gave him a wry smile. "Yeah, that's a conversation for later."

"Does Mr. Stark know about this?"

That made Aster shake her head. Hard. "No. And he's not going to."

Peter didn't seem all so convinced. "You said you live with him, though. Won't he notice?"

Biting her tongue, Aster shook her head. "He hasn't really been around lately," she murmured.

A look of sympathetic understanding was passed from Peter to Aster. Wanting nothing more than to shift the conversation, Aster shoved her hand out further. "So, deal?"

Finally, Peter extended his right hand toward her. But just before they could shake, Aster retracted hers a bit. "And, by the way, we don't have to do the whole 'friends' thing. This is strictly a business exchange, got it?"

Peter's face fell at her words. Just slightly. "What if we become friends along the way?"

Aster pursed her lips together and pretended to ponder his words. The hopeful smile on his face unconsciously transferred to hers. "I guess I'll think about it," she drawled, meeting his hand in the middle.

Her hand slid into his and they held eye contact as they shook on their deal. Still with Aster's hand in his, Peter cleared his throat and murmured, "Just... I know you can catch yourself but please don't jump off any more roofs."

Aster shrugged. "Can't make any promises."

Peter sent her a look, one that Aster sent him right back. 

"Also," Peter added. "I have a confession to make."

"Oh no."

"One, your powers are so cool." His moment of fangirling made Aster snort. "And two..." He blushed, wincing a bit. "I already finish the chem lab."

Aster's face scrunched in a joking grimace. "Well, shit... Because I already finished it too." At the surprise on Peter's face, Aster smirked. "I learned thermodynamics when I was seven."

Peter's mouth hung open at her confession. "I... I have so many questions to ask."

"Why are you guys doing homework on the roof?"

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