Chapter 1: The Return Of Aku

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A new era of peace has endured ever since the unspeakable evil of Aku has been eradicated by the hands of the samurai the tyranny of Aku is now nothing more but a bitter memory in the hearts of those who remember until now...

A new sprout has grown from the crater and has grown back into the master of darkness himself

Aku: ARGHHH!!!

When Aku is about to get out of the ground he suddenly realized that his roots is still stuck in the ground

Aku: ...And I'm stuck great! just GREAT (Annoyed) ....Why does this process have to be so complicated?

Aku tried and tried again to pull himself out but yet to prevail

Aku: Sigh...well I guess I'm going to be stuck here for a while

Aku then fall asleep from trying to pull himself out and after 3 hours he suddenly wakes hearing someone shouting his name over and over again.

???: AKU!...AKU!!...AKU!!!

Aku: WHAT THE!?!? Who DARES to summon the....OH, It's just that samurai again...(Annoyed)

After a sudden realization he is shocked to see that the samurai is still here after so many years

Aku: THAT samurai again!?!? Wait, WHAT! The it cannot be! How did he know that I have returned!?!?

Samurai: You will be shown NO MERCY DEMON!

Aku: W-Wait N-No Please!!!

Aku thought he was going to be dead again after he just resurrected himself for the third time but the next thing he knows the samurai cut off his legs freeing him from the ground

Aku: HAH! Nothing short of poetry! THANK YOU, samurai, for setting me free, ONCE AGAIN! Like father, like son! I could have been stuck here forever yet you set me free HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
(Laughing maniacally)

Samurai: STUPID DEMON! you know nothing about me! No matter. I will slice you down from where you stand!

Aku: OOOH, A tough guy now, are we!? Is that any way to treat an old "Friend" Tsk..Tsk..Tsk...

Samurai: WE HAVE NEVER MET UNTIL THIS MOMENT oh "FORMER" shogun of sorrow!

Aku is confused on how is the samurai dod not remember him when he has known him for 50 years.

Samurai: Long has my father, the great emperor of this land, told me of his admirable quest to end your reign of tyranny

Aku: OHHHHH....You're his it! I can sorta see the resemblance now...

Aku then measure the samurai with his hand

Aku: But he was a lot taller...

Samurai: SILENCE!!! cursed demon, in honor of my father, the great emperor samurai Jack, and his father before him, I samurai Rin will uphold my family honor by vanquishing you once again!

Aku: Wait a minute....Rin? that's your name!?!? SAMURAI RIN!?!?

Samurai Rin:...WHAT? What about my name?

Aku: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! OH BOY! what a name!!! could it be anymore common????

Samurai Rin: DO NOT MOCK MY FAMILY'S HONOR (furious) that holy name was graciously bestowed upon me by my father in the distant future, who were once ended your evil...And I am Rin, Son of Jack and my name means...

Aku:...OK I HAVE TO STOP YOU RIGHT THERE. Seriously, I DON'T CARE how or what you pathetic fools name yourselfs "RIN", "JACK", "SUM TING WONG THE SAMURAI" WHATEVER!!

The Return of Aku (Aku x OC)Where stories live. Discover now