completely ignoring her outburst he rubbed on his chin, "you got five mo' seconds."

that was the last warning she was going to get. and she was aware of that, so she bravely stood there with her arms crossed and a blank mug on her face.

he chuckled darkly and shook his head,

"shi, you asked for it."

▃ ▃ ▃ ▃

"uh i actually don't feel up to goin' out tonight y'all" isis spoke up over the phone. she was planning to go out with chloé and blue but her plans had to get cut off..

"ugh girl what?? why can't you, i was really looking forward to it" blue said in a sad tone.

"yea why? yesterday you said you were free.." chloé added on. she was mostly annoyed that she had gotten ready for no reason, because if one of them didn't go then neither would the other two.

"listen i just can't okay?" she croaked, she tried her hardest not to break down crying over the phone.

"maybe next time.."

"wait why do you sound like you're about to-"

"bye guys! i love you both so much, sorry i couldn't make it."

and with that, she hung up the phone and continued looking at herself in the mirror.

she had a black eye and her face was visibly swollen, along with a busted lip and bruises all over her. no makeup could hide it this time, all because she wanted to try and act 'brave'.

sliding down the bathroom door, she broke out into tears. it was hard to believe that this is what her life's come to. after everything she thought she'd overcome as a kid, it was now all happening to her again.

the worst part is, she didn't no how to stop it. she had no one to go to for help. tone warned that if she reached out to the police he would personally give the order for her siblings to be killed.

and she knew he would, he was the head of the second most known gang after all. there wasn't much she could do, and she felt all her hope dying out.

"i..i cant do this shit anymore- i just can't." she laid her head into her knees and cried into her hand.

she didn't want tone to hear her crying, that would give him an excuse to try and make her "feel better"..

she scavenged through her bathroom cabinet in search of it, her blades. she was 8 months clean so doing this would set her back a lot.

it's understandable though? after all she does need some type of way to cope, at least she wasn't doing drugs or an alcoholic.

the sting in her wrist after the first cut was a painfully familiar sensation. there was no taking it back now, 8 months of sobering up down the drain.

she let out soft sobs and she continued to tear through her beautiful skin. she had no other ways to cope, everything was just so stressful.

she was a grown adult and felt like she didn't even have control over her life.

she couldn't love the person she wanted to love, couldn't be with her family, couldn't get away from the person who caused her pain. in conclusion, she couldn't do shit.

 𝐿𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘 ,  ❪ 𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘦 ❫ .Where stories live. Discover now