Start from the beginning

°•°•daemon nodded "we have six adult dragons, one of us could fly above redwyne straits" said the prince , rhaenyra thought for a moment before deciding an answer "i suppose jace or laenyra could keep eyes if any surprise attacks occur" said the queen as she looked to her eldest children°•°•

°•°•jace looked to his sister as the two had a silent conversation with their eyes, jace narrowed his eyes as he wished to go rather than putting his sister in that sort of danger but laenyra rose her brow stubbornly making him sigh shortly, they looked to rhaenyra "i shall do it" said laenyra with a curt nod°•°•

°•°•"we need to cut off any ties braavos has with the crown whilst aegon sits the throne so that otto can't supply any more men" lord simon spoke up "on dragonback the journey won't be long, jace could fly on midrax and speak to my companion in the capital" jaelys said looking to her son and the man nodded in agreement°•°•

°•°•rhaenyra hummed "so the only source of income they will seek for is either by the lannisters or in dorne, most of old town's gems have been given to the crown and has been spent so surely they don't have enough to supply for the whole of the crown—or if they are even more desperate, they would start to tax the small folk and that still won't be enough" the queen stated°•°•

°•°•"now as for alicents sons" sighed rhaenyra as she almost rolled her eyes in annoyance but the twins did it for her with a grunt leaving their lips
"yes aemond rides vhagar and aegon sunfyre which gives them some advantage" said rhaenyra, jaenys snorted "midnight and midrax are way larger than both their dragons, surely they won't have that much luck" the girl said almost smugly°•°•

°•°•jaelys almost chuckled in amusement "aye they do, but aemond and aegon are mere younlings—surely your brother and i will not like to be known as kinslayers" the twins looked at each other and smirked mischievously "oh no you don't need to do anything ..." said jaenys as jaenor smirked "nys and i will handle that just fine" finished jaenor off°•°•

°•°•the council chuckled at their mischief , rhaenyra shook her head smiling "our allies in the north than?" asked lord steffon, rhaenyra picked up the stark figure "i've never known a stark who broke their oaths" the queen shrugged placing it down on the map°•°•

°•°• "and the baratheons?" questioned the maester , rhaenys who had been still had stepped forward "ever since my cousin boris was named lord of stormsend, he is less than persuasive than my uncle was" said the elder princess°•°•

°•°•rhaenyra nodded "yet their house bent the knee to me ...a raven will be sent to him of his oath" the maester nodded as he began writing but jaenys cut in "dragons can fly faster than ravens ...send me" the girl said with a brave look in her eyes°•°•

°•°•the queen looked to her for a moment before glancing to her wife, jaelys nodded slightly with a trusted look as rhaenyra sighed "alright than, princess jaenys shall fly to stormsend" the queen announced as jaenys excitedly grinned to her twin°•°•

°•°•"our youngest daughter's along with rhaena will be sent to the vale, luke shall fly on arrax along with baela on moondancer with them so they could protect them along with lady jeyne's son" said jaelys as she looked to luke and rhaena , the three nodded without complaint as they knew it was safe for them°•°•

°•°•the doors opened as a guard entered "your grace" rhaenyra turned to him in question "a ship has been sighted offshore ...a lone galleon, flying a banner of a three-headed green dragon" said the guard , rhaenyra looked to her wife as jaelys nodded looking to daemon "five guards and daemon come along, whilst the others eatch from the side , below and above" commanded the tall woman before following her wife°•°•

a lone galleon, flying a banner of a three-headed green dragon" said the guard , rhaenyra looked to her wife as jaelys nodded looking to daemon "five guards and daemon come along, whilst the others eatch from the side , below and above" commanded ...

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°•°•on the bridge stood five guards with daemon, jaelys and rhaenyra in front, opposite from them stood about eight green guards with otto hightower infront°•°•

°•°•otto rose his brow "where is the princess?" asked the hand, just than a roar rang through the sky as syrax golden frame flew down with a stern rhaenyra mounted on her, her crown shining in glorious in the light°•°•

°•°•jaelys smirked slightly at the show of power her wife projected, rhaenyra dismounted syrax as she confidently walked pass the green guards standing beside her wife as her narrowed eyes looked to otto°•°•

°•°•"princess rhaenyra" the man said but the queen scoffed eyeing the man with disgust in her eyes "it's queen rhaenyra now, and you are all traitors to the realm" the queen held her head high°•°•

°•°•"now what is your reason for barging in my home" demanded the queen, otto looked to rhaenyra "king aegon targaryen,second of his name...in his wisdom and desire for peace is offering terms. acknowledge aegon as king
and swear obeisance before the iron throne. in exchange, his grace will confirm your possession of dragonstone. it will pass to your son,
jacaerys, upon your death" spoke the hand with smug in his tone before continuing°•°•

°•°•"lucerys will be confirmed as the legitimate heir to driftmark and all the lands and
holdings of house velaryon. your other son shall be a squire for the king whilst his twin sister shall be the kings cupbearer, your eldest daughters with be appointed as the dowager queens handmaiden along with your youngest daughter's shall be sent to casterly rock to be lord jason lannisters wifes handmaidens" finished the hand off°•°•

°•°• jaelys stared at the man for a few moments before bursting out laughing, yet there was no amusement in that laugh—solely darkness as otto cleared his throat narrowing his eyes at the woman "you are a funny man" jaelys shook her head chuckling°•°•

°•°•daemon smirked as he knew what was to occur "aegon targaryen sits the iron throne, he wears the conqueror's crown, wields the conqueror's sword, has the conqueror's name. he was anointed by a septon of the faith before the eyes of thousands. every symbol of legitimacy
belongs to him" said the hand glaring at the queen and jaelys°•°•

°•°•the tall woman hummed still keeping that smirk on her face as she glanced to her wife "shall i cut out his tongue for spewing such nonsense my queen?" jaelys rose her brow , rhaenyra chuckled eyeing otto who seem to have grown cautious of the two°•°•

°•°•"or maybe his head will do nice on our spiked gates ...a welcoming decoration no?" daemon added on with a vicious smirk scaring the hand further "mmh what to decide" rhaenyra tapped her chin in faux deep thought°•°•

°•°•"you dare threaten the hand of the king!" otto yelled just as the green guards unsheated their blades "you are no hand than aegon is king" spat rhaenyra before nodding to her wife°•°•

°•°•jaelys turned to daemon as the man caught the look "show these sheep their place" was all rhaenyra said before walking away°•°•

°•°•jaelys smirk widened as she unsheated moonlight "attack you fools!" otto yelled as the guards stepped forward, daemon and the five guards made quick work of those green guards as otto stumbled back upon jaelys nearing him°•°•

°•°•"your mouth brings you into dangerous territories otto hightower..." taunted jaelys with the tilt of her head as she twirled her blade "stay away from me!" yelled the man in pure fear but jaelys merely chuckled°•°•

°•°•"this is all your fault, now i shall enjoy destroying everything you worked so hard for" was the last otto heard before jaelys swang her blade and cut off the screaming mans head°•°•

°•°•otto's head rolled against the marble stone as his green eyes still wide but finally lifeless°•°•

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