look on steve and think

4 0 0

is was a great day

steve talk
and murph look steve always

katya:hey you both yuhyu we are here


derwin:why since you here

steve:a stroll and later with my motorcycle

morph:yeah ^^

hey katya wnat you what

katya:mmm yes
can you me a trink give honey


steve:want you too what murph


steve:cool i know i make your favorit

derwin and steve go

katya:come on murph what you think
i see you look always steve

muprh:yeah what you mean katya

katya:think what ok
what think you

murph:i i think i want steve married
and and a family to make and 5 child


murph:what is with you and derwin

katya:we have plan
a family and others


ah the both come back

muprh:you ok steve :(

steve:yeah they say is give no

murph:hey it's ok

steve:are you sure

murph:yes steve
a kiss for steve

murph kiss steve

steve ^\\^

katya:oh no 0-0
derwin we have to go
your parent raine need help
raine had a date with eda

derwin:yeah bye

both go

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