(Y/n) knew Gloxinia, and probably Drole too, since back then. In fact, they were likely really close.

Just who is Gloxinia to (Y/n)?

Then, hearing Elizabeth's voice, Melascula tried focusing on what was going on outside again.

"Gloxinia, Drole, you can't!" The goddess exclaimed. Well, Melascula can understand the goddess's unwillingness to let Drole and Gloxinia sacrifice themselves. They were old friends, after all.

"Nothing you say will change our minds." Gloxinia spoke resolutely.

'Equally stubborn as that new smaller fairy king.' Melascula thought to herself.

And in that moment, she revealed her presence. Moving to lean against the door frame, staring at Gloxinia casually and thoughtfully, almost as if reading him, waiting for a reaction.

"Not even (Y/n)'s name?"

Melascula asked in response to Gloxinia's words, joining in the conversation. Her voice was calm and casually curious, yet there was a slight teasing tinge to her tone.

She noticed Gloxinia pause, like he was either not expecting that question or he was surprised by Melascula's presence. Maybe both.

The fairy remained silent, looking away with a somewhat sombre expression.

Melascula frowned. What was that reaction? He appeared... guilty?

Meliodas joined in the conversation. "Speaking of (Y/n), where are they? Did they not come with you?"

The pair didn't reply. And then, as if in realisation, Elizabeth spoke, albeit slowly. "You two... You didn't tell (Y/n) of what you'd be doing, did you?"

Drole proceeded to explain. "This is our opportunity to atone for betraying you both. We wanted to do this personally."

The giant glanced at Gloxinia, who quietly levitated with a forlorn expression. "Having second thoughts?" Drole asked.

After a few seconds, the fairy slowly shook his head. "Maybe we indeed should have at least informed (Y/n) of our plans, but it's too late now."

Raising his head, Gloxinia turned to his giant friend, smiling slightly - though it still felt a bit sombre. "Let's just try and survive this, Drole. As impossible as that seems. I miss (Y/n) already. So, to see them later, we must stay alive."

Drole nodded, and as Chandler's attacks inside the Orudora Tree became more vicious, he rushed the 7 Deadly Sins to run. "You must leave here, now!"

"You heard him, Mom! Giddy up!" Hawks called out, urging Hawks Mama to run, in which she did, escaping the scene.


Gloxinia watched as Mama Hawks and the tavern became smaller and smaller.

He turned to the Orudora Tree, observing the bumps and thrashes caused by Chandler inside it.

"It'll reach its limit soon." Drole informed.

They'd have to fight Chandler any moment. But first, King and Diane needed to leave. They were quite stubborn, insisting on fighting the demon alongside Drole and Gloxinia.

"Hold on. First things first." The fairy spoke, as he wrapped Basquias's tentacle-like vines around the pair, restraining them.

Both Diane and King complained. But Gloxinia ignored them. "The Fairy whose wings are only now starting to grow in and the miniature Giant with him are now dismissed."

Being stubborn, King continued to insist on fighting. "We can still fight, so let us help you!"

"King, your magic power's so depleted, you can't even get out of those vines." Gloxinia easily retorted.

"Yeah, but that's..."

As the thrashes and thuds inside the Orudora Tree became more violent, Gloxinia interrupted. "Alright. Enough with the small talk."

He clicked his fingers, and Basquias's vines swiftly pulled King and Diane out of the scene, and settle them on the tavern instead.

After a while, Drole sighed. "At long last."

"The burden's been lifted from our shoulders." Gloxinia finished for Drole.

The two watched as the thrashing inside the Orudora Tree continued, before it was ripped open, with Chandler rapidly emerging and flying towards them.

The demon swinged his long sword towards them, creating another deep cut into the ground, in which both Drole and Gloxinia dodged.

"Ten Commandment-- No, Giant King and Fairy King! I consider your actions a heinous betrayal!" Chandler yelled.

Drole positioned himself into a stance. "We're no longer members of the 10 Commandments nor are we reigning kings."

"Right now, we're just a regular Fairy and Giant!" Gloxinia continued, as he attacked Chandler with Basquias's vines.

Chandler either dodged the vines or cut them, before punching a pillar of rock that speedily pushed him upwards, crashing it into pieces.

Distracting Chandler with some light beams, Gloxinia turned Basquias into its second form, Guardian. The gigantic insect punctured Chandler in the back with its sting, who let out a pained grunt. He managed to snap off the sting, as he turned around to cut the insect in two.

But then, Chandler swinged his sword again, horizontally towards Gloxinia. And the fairy gasped in pain as the blade sliced him across his stomach.

He then felt Chandler punch him, throwing Gloxinia downwards into the ground as another pained yelp escaped him.

It hurt.

And as Gloxinia noticed Chandler flying rapidly towards him from above, sword directly pointing at him, the fairy couldn't help but feel somewhat scared.

Not scared of Chandler, no.

But scared of death.

If he dies, how would (Y/n) react? Gloxinia can't bear even imaging it.

Would they be mad at him for getting himself killed like this? Would they cry? It'd be a shame he wouldn't be there to wipe their tears.

Chandler itched closer to him, the sword quickly becoming closer and closer to puncturing Gloxinia.


In that moment, Gloxinia remembered some words (Y/n) spoke to him, during the time he was fighting with Meliodas at the Fighting Festival.

"If you feel yourself to be in danger, call out my name. I'll be there swiftly to your aid."

Such relieving words... Would (Y/n) really appear if he called out to them?

Like a knight in shining armour. Saving him again and again.

It's always been like that with them, huh?

Even if it didn't work, at least, (Y/n)'s name would be his last words.

And as Chandler's blade neared him, Gloxinia opened his mouth, and exclaimed, his voice slightly weak.


Immediately, as the sword was about to pierce Gloxinia, a green light appeared.

The fairy felt himself being pulled into a chest, undoubtedly into (Y/n)'s comforting arms.

One of their hands held Gloxinia again them by his chest. And their other hand extended outwards towards Chandler, as they flicked their fingers.

A burst of momentum and wind followed the action, and Chandler was thrown backwards, crashing into the ground much farther away.

'(Y/n)... You're really here...'

Gloxinia suddenly felt his fear wash away, eased by (Y/n)'s presence, their touch, their protection. He could almost cry at the comfort they provided him.

'You've come to save me.'

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