26-Meet the actual Craig Tucker

Start from the beginning

He stops in his tracks and looks at me, pure hatred in his eyes,

He quickly lunges for me,

I call for ruby to get out and call the police, I see her run past me mid sobbing,

Dad goes to follow her but I grab his ankle tripping him up, giving ruby enough time to get to the neighbours,

"You fucking faggot."

He screams at me, as he begins to beat the shit out of me.

The rest is history.

I gain back my reality and stare at Cartman trying to grasp the fact someone's so evil they'd do something like this,

"Oh don't worry guys there's more" he now pulls out a hospital file,

"Laura tucker in hospital for a broken rib, broken nose, shattered jaw, 6 stitches needed in her leg, 2 in her hip, about 12 bruises scattered all over her body"

"Aww don't cry tucker I'm not done"

I'm crying?

I didn't even realise I was crying..

"Craig tucker in hospital for a broken collar bone and nose, 2 stitches needed in the lip, 4 in the shoulder and 7 bruises. Most importantly a blunt trauma to the head which caused a Brain injury"

I wince as I hear the last two words,

"Craig tucker was pushed down the stairs, causing multiple hits to the head, one of the symptoms of a brain injury is called the flat effect, which refers to emotional expressiveness. People with this may not show emotion in their face or demeanour, are apathetic, may speak in monotone."

"Now who does that sound like??"

"Looks like Craig couldn't teach his self to become normal again" he laughed

I squirm, that was one of the many reasons I was scared when dad pushed Tweek down the stairs,

I didn't want him to turn out like me..

"Oh and one more thing, I found in one of Craig's hospital files"

Cartman smirked and looked me dead in the eye,

I knew what he was going to say, there was no stopping him I just let out a shaky breath,

"Attempted suicide" I can hear everyone's gasps, and eyes on me.

Now I really can feel the tears running down my face..

"Yep tucker here decided exactly one year ago today, crazy I know.. that he was to much of a pussy to live. Drug overdose obviously, what a cop out. His sister found him and they got there just in time sadly"

"Oh and he left a letter" he smiles as he waved it in the air,

How the fuck did he get that??

He clears his throat and begins to read, bringing back painful memory's:

Dear mom

I'm so sorry for doing this to you, I know I'm being selfish you've just lost your husband and now thanks to my fucked up brain you'll lose me too.

I want to thank you for being the most precious mom I could ask for, you always stood up for me and ruby even if it put you in danger, and that's Brave mom. I wish I could be like you..

I'm not doing this because of anyone, no one's upset me, no one's bullied me. No one. It's me I'm the problem, I can't cope with how my brain works, I'm trying so hard to be Normal, but I can't, I feel nothing ..

I just want to be happy again, I don't want to cause you anymore problems you don't deserve that, please tell Ruby I'm sorry and she can take care of stripe and give him all the love she deserves. And that I love her loads even though she's super annoying :)

Also let red know that I adore her, and to never change her sass and extraness, let her know she's one of the few people that I could still open up to and that I miss her lots,

Please let Clyde, Tolkien and Jimmy know I'm sorry for pushing them away and I couldn't ask for any better friends, I've always adored Clyde's happiness, please tell him to never change. And Tolkiens kindness, please let him know he can go far in life with how well he treats others, and Jimmy I love his charisma even though his jokes are terrible, he has a humour you just can't help but laugh at and it always makes you feel better.

Please give Kenny McCormick the rest of my savings, there's only $400, but he'll still be happy and grateful. He needs it more than I do anyways.

And the blonde twitchy kid, Tweek Tweak, please let him know he shouldn't change for anyone. His coffee addiction, his wild hair, his twitches. Don't change.. even if assholes taunt you relentlessly, never change. You're cool and I'm sad I never was brave enough, to become your friend.

I'm so sorry mom I love you Ruby, and stripe so much, please don't blame this on yourself.

Love Craig.

"Deep" cartman laughed, before he could get another word out Kenny, Red, Tolkien and Clyde all basically tackled him and took the microphone of him.

I can hear them all,

"What the fuck is wrong with you??" Kenny screams,

"I'm going to fucking kill you I swear to god" red says in monotone,

"There's something seriously wrong with you" Tolkien mutters,

"I'm gonna beat the shit out of you Cartman" Clyde spits,

This is to much.

I need to get out..

I stand up, everyone's watching me, whispering.

I need out.

I calmly walk out the front door and don't look back.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now