So this one is actually new :)) (No title again suck it, dweeb)

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(This one is GrApHiC as all hell let loose, like, it gets down and dirty in some guts and I don't mean haha sex scene, I mean, this is a gruesome murder starter how does the rest of the story go? You won't know because I may upload this even if you don't want me to so like, suck it, my book and I am gonna love it)

A young girl who is named Ophelia stands in front of her mother's friend. Ophelia doesn't know why but her mother disappeared two weeks ago, since then and this woman found out she came to 'watch' Ophelia. Ophelia stands there staring up at the woman clenching her eyes shut when a bottle of wine suddenly is smashed on the top of her head. "You stupid cunt! This is the wrong bottle what did I tell you?! I wanted a sweet wine not dry!" The woman screeches raising it and slamming it down onto Ophelia's head once more blood slowly pools out of the opening wound on Ophelia's head. 

Ophelia has gotten used to this treatment, it's always been this way since she was young. While knowing she wouldn't die due to a curse on her, she still felt the tremendous pain from such blows. Ophelia's mother was a slowly recovering drug addict, though before she stopped them she was another person doing anything for money just to save a few dollars so she had more for her drugs, her booze, and even gambling. Ophelia finally forced her mother to stop once the woman began getting sick due to it. 

Though, it was too late. Everyone in the town knew of Ophelia's treatment and continued treating her this way even when Ophelia's mother spoke up for her. Ophelia looks up her blood slowly dripping down her face, filling her eye's almost matching the color of her pupils though they look more like the dark red blood filling a vile rather than her bright red blood. "Wow, what is this?" A man suddenly slides in through the window. Slowly one touches the ground, his leg awfully long reminding Ophelia of a human daddy's long legs. 

Slowly, the other pushes past the window frame, he leans down pushing his torso and head through a cigar between his lips the man is taller than anyone Ophelia had seen, at least 6'7. "Hello, child." The man says letting out a low hum and stepping forward twirling a long thin sword's hilt in his fingers blood slowly dripping onto the ground from it. 

His hair is black as the night sky when no stars can manage to shine through full of thick and thin curls his brows not too thick or too thin neatly trimmed, nose straight jawline diamond shaped and strong, and cheekbones high. His cheeks thin, and dark eye bags rest underneath his thin eye's. Ophelia stares into his familiar eyes, eyes just like her own the color of blood in a vile or even slowly drying blood. 

Ophelia looks at the man's broad shoulders, his arms thick and muscular though not too much, his chest wide, waist on the thinner side his hips slightly wider thighs muscular. What confuses Ophelia the most is his clothes, a man clearly not from around their small town. A white button up the first few button's undone exposing his hairless chest having quite a few tattoos on it, that's when Ophelia notices his tattooed hands and neck. His pants black though the fabric is expensive and the pants are made by a designer just like his black shiny shoes without a single scratch or scuff on them, almost as if they're brand new. 

Ophelia stares at the man slowly moving closer though her mother's friend doesn't seem to notice. "Lio, there's a man in the house behind you with a big sword." Ophelia whispers looking up just to have the bottle smashed down onto her nose. Ophelia can tell by the hit and the pain sprouting from her nose, that her nose has broken, Ophelia clenches her eyes shut covering her nose which splurts blood out. "Shut your little shit hole you rat-mouthed bitch! You're lying just to get away with this!" The woman screeches. 

Ophelia still tries pulling her back when the tall man suddenly swings his sword, though it's too late. It slides through Lio's shoulder as if he is cutting butter, sliding past Ophelia's head almost touching her shoulder till she falls back staring at the man who slowly turns the sword sliding it down cutting through her womanly bits the now dead woman laying on the ground. The man swings his sword with ease her head disconnecting from her body, Ophelia doesn't even realize she's drenched in the woman's blood now or sitting in the pool of it slowly leaking past her. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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