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Okay, so we may be drunk right now.

We finished our food but I didn't want to leave yet so I suggested we grab a couple drinks from his mini bar and well, here we are.

"You're a bad influence on me," Minho says with a lazy smile as he leans up against the pillows on the bed next to me. "I can't believe you got me drunk."

I scoff, rolling my eyes. "I said we should have one drink. Not four. You got me drunk."

He hums, sliding down further into the comfort of the bed as he closes his eyes. "Agree to disagree."

"How much did this hotel room cost?" I ask, realizing just how lavish the place is. I swear it's as big as my entire apartment, and my apartment didn't come with a mini bar and a king-sized bed. The beige, gold and white furniture feels more expensive than anything I've ever owned, so I can't imagine this place is cheap.

"I don't know," he shrugs, frowning with his eyes still closed. "My team deals with hotel arrangements."

I can't be completely annoyed that I got drunk during my first "date" with Minho because it's made me feel far more relaxed. I don't feel that looming anxiety that I was sure was going to suffocate me before the night is over. I don't even think twice when I roll over to cuddle against Minho's side, my head resting against his chest.

"Do you miss your home?" I ask, swirling my finger against the fabric of his shirt. "Your dorm, I mean."

"I miss my dorm, yeah," he says, not phased by the sudden closeness. "I travel a lot so I don't get a lot of time there, but it's where I feel the most comfortable and it's about as close to a home as I have."

"That's sad," I say, frowning in realization as I watch my finger move around on his chest. As enticing as the celebrity world may seem, talking to him right now has made me realize things are a lot more lonely in the fact that they're always having to stay in hotels in unfamiliar cities with their families back home watching them from afar.

"I knew what I was giving up," he says, his hand moving to rest on mine. "Stop doing that. It tickles."

"More of a reason for me to do it then," I say with a mischievous smirk, prying my hand out of his grip and sitting up to loom over him. "I live to annoy."

I poke at his belly in different places, being careful to jerk my hand away when he goes to grab it.

He laughs, rolling his eyes as he keeps his gaze locked on my hand, trying his best to catch it. But the alcohol has slowed his reflexes down significantly because I manage to escape every single time.

"What happened to your impressive reflexes?" I tease him as I sit up straighter to use both hands to poke at him. "You know how many videos I've seen people make just to brag about them? You're ruining your reputation, Minho."

He narrows his eyes at me and my heart skips a beat. The look in his eyes is almost predatory.

I have just enough time to open my mouth to take back what I've said before I'm flipped over onto my back, Minho straddling my waist as he holds his hands above my head.

"Caught you," he says, smirking down at me, and I can just barely smell the alcohol still on his breath. It's an interesting addition to his woodsy vanilla smell and it's all making me feel even more drunk than I already am.

"Not impressed," I shrug underneath his hold as I raise my eyebrows at him. "You can do better than that, can't you?"

I squeak as he rolls over, taking me with him. I can't even comprehend what he's doing until he's standing up and pulling me up into his arms. I scramble to wrap my legs around his waist but his hold is so secure, I could let go of him completely and I'd still be in his grasp. Strong ass.

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