"Fashoo but the lil niggas ain selling that shit leave the gas to them let monte and nem sell that big shit"Eli said

I raised my eyebrows "What little niggas work for me cause I ain hired no lil niggas"I said

"The twins Marco and Micah they 15 I think"Kash said

"WHO hired them"I said

"They was desperate"Eli said

"But they still kids"I told him

"Go get them eli"I shook my head

"You can go bro i know you got shit planned with liyah" I said

"Fasho yall sliding through tonight"He asked

"Hell yea gotta watch mora ass" I said

"Ight love"he said

"Love"I said as he walked out Eli was walking in

"Aye I gotta head out momma called"He said

"She good"I asked

"Yea she just hungry"he said and I nodded

"Close my door"I said

"Y'all can sit down" I told them

"Say whatchu want we trynna sell" one of the lil mfkas said. They got a strong accent so i know they not from around here

I leaned up in my seat "You gone sit ya lil ass back an listen to what the fuck I gotta say"

"Who is who"i asked

"I'm Marco and that's Micah. If you can't tell us apart just look at our eyebrows Micah got the scar" Marco said. I can tell Marco the hot head just by they way he come off he got his guard up but not good enough cause I can still read him. Micah the laid back one haven't said a word since they been here but I can also tell he got a side to him, he like to observe and take in his surroundings.

"Where y'all from"I said

"BR"Micah spoke up

I nodded "Y'all 15 right, y'all momma know y'all pushing dope" I said

"Nigga fuck tha lady" Marco shrugged

"Why you asking so many questions you fed ah sum" He said. I like this lil nigga he reminds me of the younger me

"You work for me lil nigga I can ask however many questions I want. Fuck you gon do"I
Said, He started to get up but his brother tapped his arm

I stood up "Nahh let him get up cause imma be the mfka thats gon humble ya lil ass"

"Y'all in school" I asked

"Nah" Micah answered

"Who yall stay with" I looked at them,  just now noticing they dirty clothes they didn't stink but you could tell they haven't showered by dirt marks on they skin

"Nobody we take care of ourselves"Marco said

"Where y'all stay at"I asked

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