*Chapter two*

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Chucky's POV: I couldn't sleep at all with this "guilt" inside of me for some reason that I still couldn't figure out. I'd just lye there staring at the ceiling, wondering what andy was doing with his life now. 'I bet he's still killing the other me's that are out there somewhere' thought to myself made me shiver at the fact on how many times that I've bee killed.

I never actually wanted to die and be gone forever and be forgotten 6 feet under ground. Which is where my human corpse is still is in the Hackensack cemetery where I'd died and killed tiff at. But killing has been a habit for me to calm down, sort of like hobby, an addiction of course. I never actually thought about this but, what if I didn't transfer my soul into a good guy? what if I just died from that gunshot? But I didn't. Why? Because I want to get my revenge on on that detective who shot me and everything else. I wonder if I could just tell andy how sorry I am for everything I've done. 'I'm really am such an asshole' I thought, maybe some killing will get this off my mind since it calms me down but I would love tiff to tag along though today has been such a long one so I'll let her rest.

I quickly and quietly climbed out of the bed so and slipped on some shoes putting my regular outfit on with the Diem overalls in the rainbow colors striped shirt while putting my knife inside my overalls. I tiptoed quietly on the house making it to the front door closing it really slow and ran off into the woods a person outside smoking on a cigar next to a faded red colored truck. I'd hide behind a tree so the guy wouldn't see me. He was really chubby for one, looked like he never shave and needed a hair cut. I peeked at him again seeing him cough while smoking the cigar. I ran to tree to tree until I accidentally stepped on Stick making an crack noise than the guy snapped his head around to see where the noise was coming from.

Chub Guy: " Hey, who's there?" He said putting his cigar down looking around in a worry tone I dare not to say a thing I waited until he went back to his cigar and ran to the back of the truck he looked around again and ask who is there but I didn't make a sound and make peep. until chubby was done with his cigar I slipped through the truck back window and landed in the backseat.

Chucky: "What the fuck, does this guy ever clean in here look at all of this trash and junk!" I muttered see food wrappers, empty cups, and a porno mags."This guy is a fucking fag." I said until he came in the vehicle and I went to doll mode hiding behind the passenger seat where I guess wouldn't see me. He put the truck in reverse and went back really fast making the vehicle jerk as he stopped almost hitting a tree then drove off into the town stopping at a gas station. As he got out of the vehicle I could barely even stand the smell in the truck it almost made me want to gag my heart up and pass the fuck out. As soon as the coast was clear I quickly open the back seat passenger door and stepped out going under the truck and running off into the bushes hoping that no one had saw me.

'At least I'm out of that asshole's stinking truck' I looked around to see a a teenage boy with dark curly hair who looked at about 15 or 14 years old had air pods on listening to something on this phone wearing a backpack walking down the street. I saw him coming towards my direction I quickly came out of the bushes and sat there in doll mode with a that doll smile on my face as I saw him stopping to look at me. He took his air pods out and muttered "what was that?" as he picked me up.

Chucky: "Hi I'm Chucky and I'm your friend till the end Hidey-ho ha ha ha" I said while the boy looked at me and laughed a little. He smiled at me and then tucked me into his arm and started walking off somewhere I didn't know where but at least I get to go on an Adventure he he he.

Jake's POV: I went out of the house to go on a walk since it was a beautiful night and Dad wasn't home yet. I put in my air pods and decided to listen to my crush's podcast. I walked around town for a bit until I got near to a gas station to go use the bathroom, I got out walking back on the sidewalk when I saw something moved and bushes nearby "what is that?" I said I walking over there to see what it was then seen a gingered hair doll and Diem overalls sitting there outside of the bushes.' I guess some kid left there doll or something" I thought to myself as I picked up the doll. It had blue eyes and freckles across his cheeks and nose I jumped a little when I saw it blink looking at me and said "Hi I'm Chucky and I'm your friend till the end Hidey-ho ha ha ha" I smiled and tucked the doll in my arm as continued walking for a little bit until I went back home to see my dad's vehicle in the driveway. "Oh Shit"

Chucky's POV: The boy continued walking for a bit until we arrived at a big house and seeing a big vehicle in the driveway I heard an 'oh shit' from the boy. I was assuming that we arrived to his house has we heading inside about to make it up to the stairs until I heard a deep voice.

Jake's dad: "Where the hell were you?" he said looking pissed off as he hold the liquor bottle to his mouth drinking it.

Jake: " I'd just went out for a walk and-"

Jake's dad: "Without permission? just to get a fucking dumb toy Jake?" the guy cut him off slamming the liquor bottle onto the wooden table walking over to the boy named Jake.

Jake: "Well yes, but I was really wasn't out for that long I just I was going to come back eventu-" The guy punched him in the face as Jake drooped me on the floor then the father pushed him into a wall kicking and punching the poor boy. 'What an asshole' I thought making my blood boiling hot as the dad continue to abuse his son. The guy picked his son up by the collar of his shirt and threw him on the floor yelling at him saying go to your room and don't fucking come out until I say.

He got up quickly and ran up stairs and yelled "I hate you I fucking hate you, you should have died in that car accident instead of mom." then heard a door slam. The drunken father accidentally steps on me and picks me up as I smelled whiskey from his mouth which stinked really bad.

Jake's dad:" What the fuck are you supposed to be a fucking rape doll or something?" he cocked his head at me. I looked at him and said, "Hi, I'm chucky wanna play?" He looked at me with confusion and threw me across the room."Get the fuck outta my face you piece of shit." he went back to the kitchen to grab his liquor bottle and sat down in the living room in front of the TV watching the news. I was really mad at this point that I really wanted this fucker dead for sure. I really felt bad for the kid I bet he got abused a lot by this fucked up idiot here everyday. Then his phone ring he got looking and answered it he went outside to talk to who I was on the phone. I got up from the floor and ran to the table to grab his liquor bottle I drink it all down every drop of it and ran downstairs to the basement to find the circuit breaker.

As soon as I heard the front door slam, I'd turned off the all lights and power in the house.

Chucky : "Now all I have o do is wait for his ass to come down" I ran off behind some boxes until I saw a phone light coming down the stairs I heard the guy mumbled about his liquor being gone and the power going out. As soon as he hit the switches from the breaker the light bulb above him turned around looked down and jumped to see me glaring at him. "What the fuck?" he said as I threw up the liquor on the floor where all the cutted wired pieces are sticking out electrocuted him as he stood there in "shocked". I'd laughed at the sight of the fucker being fried to death until I heard a voice coming down the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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