The safehouse

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The train station is noisy. Cries and goodbyes, laughter and tears. I have an unsettling feeling, tho it feels as if a new start might not be so bad.

Mrs. Pevensie was giving us nametags, with our full names and destination. She's hanging one at Lucy's bag, and giving her instructions not to take is off, she went over to Edmund and did the same thing.

"If dad was here, he wouldn't make us go" Edmund groans, looking at his mother. 

"If dad were here, it'd mean the war was over. We wouldn't have to go." Peter said, clearly annoyed with Edmunds attitude. "You will listen to your brother, won't you, Edmund?" Their mother said. He looked at her and let out a quiet sigh, she stood up and tried to kiss him on the head but he hissed and pulled away. Then she came over to me and made sure the nametag was secure at my bag, she pulled me into a hug and kissed me lightly on the head. "Please make sure he doesn't do something stupid, you're the only one he will listen to." she whisper in my ear, "I will do my best mrs. Pevensie" I whisper back. "Please call me Helen" she says as she pulls away, i smile at her and nod.

She goes over to peter and they hug and i see her saying something in his ear, and i know he answers. I see Edmund rolling his eyes and i hit him on the arm just harder than a push, but not enough for it to hurt. Now he rolls his eyes at me and I give him a glare. "Fine, sorry" he mumbles before turning away. "Good bye" she says and looks around at us. "All aboard! All aboard!" a man yells. Helen goes over to Susan, and they say goodbye. I can see that her lips are moving indicating that she is talking to the oldest girl.  "Alright, of you go." she says and gestures towards the train. Lucy runs and give her a last hug before peter takes her hand and they walk towards the train. 

I walk behind Edmund as we approach the ticket-lady. "Hey, get off! I know how to get on a train by myself." Edmund groans, and he shakes off Susans hand. I roll my eyes and almost crash into Edmund as we stop to show our tickets. Peter is looking at something else as Susan takes them out of his hand and give them to the lady. We get on the train, and the Pevensies wave goodbye before we find a cupe to sit in. There are us and two other kids in there. 

It's still early and I am quite tired. The lack of sleep after the attack last night is starting to catch up with me, and I yawn. I look out of the window, and the green surroundings are blurring outside the window. My eyes start to fall shut, and I fall to my side. My head lands on Edmunds shoulder, and he almost pushes me off. I look at him, and I feel slightly hurt. "Edmund:" Peter scolds, and he glares at Edmund. Edmund looks at me, rolling his eyes, I roll my eyes as well, and lean towards Peter instead. I fall asleep, the shaking of the train is sort of soothing.

As I wake up, I am no longer leaning on Peter. Edmunds arm is over my shoulder, and he is asleep swell. His head is resting atop of mine, and he breathes heavily. I push myself off of him, and sit up straight, still kind of hurt from earlier. He seems to wake up as well, and he look at me for a moment. He rolls his eyes, and turns away from me and looks out the window. We all sit in silence, but as the two other kids get up and leave we see them getting split up. I glance at Peter but he smiles, until now we had all been sitting on the same sofa, but Peter grabs my hand and we sit in the other one, me by the window and on the opposite side of Edmund.

When we finally get off the train, we stand waiting for a good while. It feels good to finally stretch my legs, and the country air is a fresh change from the city. After about 10 minutes we see a car coming, but it just drives past. "The professor knew we were coming. " Susan says, as we watch the car drive away. "Prehaps we've been incorrectly labelled." Edmund says as he looks at his nametag. I roll my eyes. "Come on! Hepp hepp" A lady says as she comes around the corner with a horse and a carrige. "And woah, woah." She says as she stops in front of us.

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