New confinement room fear

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A few months after the new System was in operation and the contact with 154 was stable, the first careful tests began. It wouldn't be anything hard or dangerous, You Huo was told.

You Huo and Qin Jiu were tasked with testing out the new System's confinement room mechanism.

Good ol' friend confinement room, that witnessed their love through different stages, what was there to be afraid of? Or so he thought, before he found himself inside the small room with a complete stranger before him.


You Huo knew that the room was designed to bring out his worst fears, so he could face them and overcome, one on one with his psyche. But what's the deal with that man?

Is he subconsciously afraid of humans? Men? No, it probably should be that tall and arrogantly smiling man specifically.

You Huo circled the room, making sure to keep his back to the wall and always face his adversary. The strange man did the same.

He was a bit taller and broader in his frame than You Huo himself, it will probably give him some advantages in a fight. And judging by his seemingly casual pose, which was actually a concealed battle stance, he knew how to fight pretty damn well. Their eyes met and they both caught the careful assessment and calculation of the other party going on in each other's brains.

The stranger's face was surprisingly handsome. His expression was a bit haughty, but still friendly enough. You Huo knew that his own face was currently anything else but inviting.

The expressionless man in front of Qin Jiu was beautiful in an icy, snow-queenish way.

Qin Jiu felt that the man was dangerous, so he smiled instead of frowning.

"Who am I having an honor of seeing here, in my own confinement room?"

"Hmph!" The sound the other made could be interpreted in different ways, but Qin Jiu somehow found it cute, even though it was accompanied by a scowl.

"I see mister Mysterious here have some military training, correct?"

"Try me and see for yourself." The glare that the man sent at him was both fierce and enticing. Qin Jiu felt something deep inside his chest flatter imperceptibly.

He chuckled, itching to take the enigmatic man on his offer, he was sure to find a worthy opponent in him, but he still wanted to ask something:

"And how old my adorable sparring partner is?"

"Why do you care?" The frown on the man's handsome features intensified.

"Mister Mysterious here looks very young, I'm wondering if we are the same age, or you should be calling me gege..."

"Gege, your mum! Twenty nine."

Qin Jiu was sure that the other person wished to strangle himself with ample enthusiasm right now, so he poured a bit more oil into this gorgeous fire:

"Oh, so you definitely should call me gege!"

"Fuck you."

His opponent's eyes narrowed in anger and in the next second he struck out, going for Qin Jiu's jaw. Qin Jiu expected it for some time already, so he caught his adversary's fist and twisted that hand behind the other's back, wanting to press him to the floor and interrogate him farther. However, the man under him was able to twist his body and catch Qin Jiu's upper torso with his slender legs and then throw him over. Qin Jiu was thrown down, but he managed to shake his opponent off, not letting him catch himself in a choke hold. They both jumped to their feet, circling each other again.

New confinement room fearTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang