Price Of Revenge

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The First Watcher frowned.

This was new. A combination of the storms, ice, and the disastrous invasion of the licorice monsters must have dashed the mountain side, making a completely uncharted piece of terrain.

Caramel Arrow Cookie continued on, crossing the grassy grove and stopped at the edge of the hill, finding the landscape ahead of her...unfamiliar.

The mountains crested, but the cliffs were dashed to pieces, breaking into a jagged ravine in which the licorice sea poured into, forming a dangerously fast river at the bottom.

This was important to note, and Caramel Arrow wondered briefly if she should turn back to report the change to the other Watchers.

She had been hunting this doe all morning, and still couldn't catch the especially fleet creature. At this point, it was a challenge.

Food was scarce, even now that the winter was ending and spring was finally here.

Caramel Arrow had already come quite far, it would be senseless to let this effort go to waste when victory was so close.

Caramel Arrow carefully slid down the muddy hill into the rocky terrain, noting the mix of rocks and torn up hill chunks harboring still living trees. It was weirdly pretty, in a chaotic sort of way.

Carefully, she persisted in the unfamiliar area, following the trail.

It led her near the edge of the ravine where she glanced down at the rushing waters below. The river crashed into sharp rocks, making any sort of fall down there lethal.

Finally, the deer showed itself once again.

It feasted once again upon grass, and Caramel Arrow crouched silently amongst jagged rocks and crooked bushes, drawing her bow once more.

She double checked her surroundings, the wind and weather, making sure she would get the perfect head shot, a quick and painless death for such a graceful creature. Soon...this hard earned meal for herself and the Watchers would be hers!

As she was about to release the crispy, golden-brown arrow into her prey, a sickingly sweet smell entered the fresh mountain air...

Caramel Arrow tensed, instantly recognizing the awful smell that took weeks to air out of the Dark Cacao Palace...

She looked around for the infamous Cookie who she loathed more then any being on Earthbread.

The sound of metal clicking rang through the once serene valley air and a shot of purple, intoxicating magic hit the deer in the side.

The die cried, the spell not quite finishing it off and it kicked its back legs and ran a predictable path into the brush.

"Dammit!" Affogato Cookie hissed, stepping into view. He was dressed simpler and more practically, his once beat hair a disarray and pulled into a messy bun. If Caramel Arrow didn't know who he was, she might've thought him charming.

"YOU!" choosing not to chase after the deer in favor to satisfy this opportunity, Caramel Arrow Cookie leapt out of the bushes, letting loose an arrow at the treacherous fiend.

"DAMMIT AGAIN!" Affogato jumped in surprise, narrowly dodging the strike, the arrow ripping through one of his decorated sleeves. He pivoted on his heel and raised his staff, preparing another flowery spell. "how is it that we always meet, hm?!"

"Perhaps fate commands it, you filthy waste of dough! PERISH BY MY ARROW!" Caramel Arrow let loose another flying blade of fury.

Affogato dodged again, his magic dispersing the arrow just barely before it could unleash it's golden barrage on him. Another arrow came just as fast and he dodged once more, making his way closer to her.

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