An Easy Sell

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Monday morning, Naruto held two cups of coffee as he happily climbed the steps to Sasuke's apartment. As he approached the door, he glanced at one hand, and then the other, not sure how he was going to knock without making a complete mess.  

So, he did the next best thing. 

"SAAAASSSUUUKEEE!!!" He shouted as he kicked at the door. "Sasuke! Open up! I brought you coffeeeeeeee!" His head perked as the door swung open with an agitated Uchiha popping into view.

"What the hell? Why are you here? Why are you screaming at my door at 7:30?" His anger was silenced as Naruto handed him the hot beverage that made Sasuke very forgiving very quickly.

"Well, I was thinking since we live in the same building, we could carpool. Save gas, and it is better for the environment." He smiled wide, "Give us time to work on what you are going to say to Sakura today."

"Hn..." The reminder made Sasuke's coffee taste a smidgen bitter.

Looking at Sasuke's kitchen, Naruto paused as he saw a carton of eggs and a pack of English muffins on the counter, "Oh- did I interrupt your breakfast?" Strolling right over, making himself at home, he started going through the cupboards in search of a frying pan.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Puzzled, since it should have been completely obvious, "I'm making breakfast?" an undertone of 'duh' clearly coming through. "Genius, my ass!" He laughed as he greased the pan and cracked his first egg.

"No shit, I know what you are doing, but I don't understand why the fuck you're doing it?" Sasuke smirked as he leaned against the counter and sipped his coffee.

"Well, you were going to make food. I interrupted. Plus, you're doing me a solid, remember? Least I can do."

What was happening? 

Sasuke's head spun as Naruto placed a plate of slightly overcooked scrambled eggs and a muffin in front of him. So far, he brought him coffee, made him breakfast, and it wasn't even eight in the morning yet. Who the hell was this guy? 

"It's burnt," Sasuke internally cringed as he fell back to his own deflecting defenses.

"Didn't promise it was going to be good," picking up after himself while, despite his bitching, Sasuke happily ate the meal. "Hurry, I want to get there before Sakura so she doesn't see us coming in together."

"What? You're the one who wanted to carpool and showed up at my house."

"Yeah, I just don't want her to know," Naruto leaned his elbows on the counter, his face close enough for Sasuke to admire the impressive length of his eyelashes. "Don't want her to know I'm in your ear. It will blow our cover."

His voice was low and soft making Sasuke stop eating mid-bite as a tingle ran down his spine. Naruto's eyes were much more intense up close and he still couldn't believe they went from death glares at the office to... whatever the hell this was. Were they friends now? No. He had to be reading this too much. He was just using him to get with Sakura. Once they hooked up, or the plan Naruto had in his head crashed and burned to the point that even he had to acknowledge it was pointless, things would go back to normal.

Before Sasuke could thank him for cooking, Naruto was practically dragging him out the door. Luckily, he at least let him put his shoes before rushing him to his car. Sasuke quirked as they approached a familiar white WRX he had seen in the work parking lot a million times without knowing who it belonged to.

Was it strange that he had no idea what car his teammate drove? He didn't ever go out to lunch with him, never left the office with him...he started to feel a bit like a dick as he realized he really hadn't put much of an effort into getting to know the guy past the fact that he was handsome and seemed pretty decent. Treating Naruto the same way the hordes of women treated him at the office. But- he shrugged it off. It's not like Naruto knew him any better.

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