chapter 1.

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these chappies are long, so there might only be like 7 or so chapters...

Your love chap.1

I woke up to the smell of fresh bacon. I sat up and yawned before rushing downstairs. I saw Nicki in the kitchen, cooking bacon with her iPod hooked up to the ihome dock. She was listening to headlines by drake rapping along to the beat. She was a pretty good rapper if you ask me. I was just leaning against the wall, watching her dance. She didn't even notice me. I watched her flip the bacon and dance to the cabinet to get a plate. She danced back and flopped 4 pieces of bacon on a plate. I watched her as my mouth watered.

She turned around and jumped.

"OH MY GOSH! how long was you there!"

"I dunno.. Maybe 5 minuets"

"that's a little bit stalkish"


"yup. You want some bacon?"


She sat down and we ate bacon. After that I took her home


I was resting on the couch watching sponge bob (don't judge) when my phone vibrated with a text message. I looked at it and it was the person I'd least expect.

"hey, it's keysha. Meet me at the rusty scupper downtown" (it's a random restaurant. I just needed something other than mc donnalds.)

"keysha? Howd'e you get my number?"

"I looked through your personal files at work"

"you wha-- no, I can't meet you. That would hurt Nicki. "

"just because Nicki doesn't like me doesn't mean you have to hate me too. Plus I need some emotional support"

Emotional support? Ummmmm lemme see... Hmmm- no.

"call up one of your friends or something"

"they know nothing about that stuff. They're tuff kind of people. I was thinking I could talk to you since your so good at talking to girls"

"oh, your a girl? I thought you was a grown-ass man. My bad."

"-_____- just meet me there at 8:30"

After that we didn't text. Every thing in my right mind was screaming not to go, but then, something told me to go. I threw on some shoes with a sigh, and headed to the car.


I walked in the doors and found keysha sitting in the corner at a booth. I rolled my eyes and sat down across from her.

"what tf do you want?" i firmly asked

"a little feisty are we?"

I rolled my eyes and we both looked at our menu's in silence. The waiter soon came to our table. This wasn't a date. We were just eating.

"Umm, can I have a cheese burger and some spicy chicken strips with a side of beef and ham stew. Also some barbie Q chicken wings. Add some clam chowder and a salad in there please and for the drink, a coke"

"dang" I heard keysha mumble at me. What.. I'm greedy.

"uh, I'll just have a salad, thank you." she said

"your a light eater"

"at least I didn't order the whole damn menu!"

"what ever"

The waiter left and returned with our food. We sat and ate in silence, glancing up at each other every few seconds.

All of a sudden I started bursting out laughing from the awkward silence, and soon after, she joined me.

Your love (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now