Chapter 8: The Abyss pt 2

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"What happened?" you ask looking around the messy room. 

"You were talking in your sleep, and then your quirk triggered and caused the lights to flicker" Recovery Girl says looking at you with concerned eyes. 

"Your quirk caused a tornado around the room" says All Might in a serious tone,"we called your brother and he said he'll be on his way" said Aizawa. 

Bakugou was just looking at you with wide eyes as if he'd seen a ghost, it was his first time seeing the capability of your quirk, it's and understatement to say he was shocked. 

"What did you see while you were unconscious" asks All might. 

"It's the same thing I always see" you say rubbing the back of your head,"Wait so you've had this dream before?" ask Recovery Girl. 

"Yes, but it's been happening more often for some reason" you say. 

Suddenly you all hear the door burst wide open and see your brother come rushing through the door into the room rushing at you.

"Y/N ARE YOU HURT! WHAT HAPPENED! IS SHE BLEEDING ANYWHERE!" he says in a panic while checking you for any physical injuries."She's fine deary no need to worry" says Recovery Girl walking up to him patting his back in comfort, "What exactly happened?" he ask lookinng directly at Recovery Girl. 

"Her quirk went haywire causing her to pass out from the exhaustion" she says.

"I thought you people were gonna do some test on her and find out more about her quirk!" he shouts, causing you to flinch a bit at his volume. 

"Well-" she says getting cut off "we need a X-ray from you Mr. L/n but from what Y/n told us you refused, so we can't study her quirk properly" Aizawa says cutting Recovery Girl off. 

"Why the hell do you need an X-ray from me!, you're examining her not me!" he shouts again at Mr. Aizawa "yes but we need to know if the quirk works the same for you, because clearly you aren't getting the same reactions from the quirk the way she is, so we'll need to study you and see how can we help Y/n" Aizawa explains. 

"Fuck that I'm not gonna be your lab rat" he says in disgust, "DAMN IT SHAWN IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" you shout angrily causing the lights to flicker, your brother flinches at your reaction, but it didn't scare him in the slightest. 

"I TOLD YOU I'M NOT GONNA DO IT!" this time he makes the whole buildings lights flicker. 

Your brother is clearly stronger than you being that you guys are 7 years apart, so the quirk had time to grow within him.  

Mr. Aziawa watched along with everyone else your verbal altercation with your brother, both of you making the lights flicker on and off around the whole building, Aizawa quickly grew tired of all the yelling and flickering lights and used his quirk to erase both you and your brothers. 

"Both of you calm down, in case you didn't notice you're both causing the lights to flicker" he says sternly. 

"Mr. L/n like we said before we would need an X-ray done on you so we can study Y/n's quirk properly, now if you don't mind letting us do that then you can follow Recovery Girl to get that done, if you're not ok with that you are welcomed to leave or stay, your chose" Aizawa says with a scary serious tone. 

"Fuck this and fuck that X-ray" Deshawn says while storming out the room slamming the door behind him. 

You let out a frustrated groan "I'm sorry about that, he has a temper-" 

"HE has a temper?" says Bakugou, those being his first words since you woke up.

"Like your the one to talk about people have a temper" 

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