Chapter 1: "Breakdown in the Unknown Corridor"

Start from the beginning

I had a feeling it would change. But, I brushed it off.

I walk into the hallway as the "Unknown" corridor. This is where all the bullies and thugs hang out.

The hallway was large and wide, but dimmed in light which was barely presentable to see anyone or anything.

I could only hear sounds. Sounds of muffled screams but I could hardly hear anything.



Someone finally said something. But I wasn't expecting it to be a person calling for help.

I rush to the source of the voices, it lead to an empty classroom. With the door partially open, I was able to see what was going on.

I was horrified by the sight.

(An's pov:)

I was desperate to fight back but my body was going to give up, the bullies were ganging up on me. I had a disadvantage.

"You really are pathetic. An Shiraishi. No wonder why you were so easily fooled." one of the bullies said to me.

Two of them held my arms back while the leader talked his talked and his other accomplice just watched.

"The only pathetic ones are you guys. Is this your full time job? You don't make a profit for anyone except you and your dirty selves."
"I swear, I will escape."

"Oh so, little miss hall monitor wants to flee. Sorry, but not without some good pain. You can't leave, pretty girl."


"Oh? But we already have. Boys, give this idiotic girl a lesson she'll never forget. Just, don't kill her. We want her to stay alive."

"On it boss! You can count on us."
I froze in fear. I was so afraid and scared. I knew I had to call for help.


I started calling for someone. The leader looked at me evilly and with fury in his eyes.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU BRAT!" he says. Punching me in the stomach. I started crying but also coughing a bit of blood.

The other two decide to twist my arms, causing me to feel more pain. I start sobbing, begging in my head that someone would come for me.

I decided it was time for me to fight back.

I pulled my arms forward and I kicked the two henchmen boys in the abdomen. Falling to the floor in pain for both, I stand up shakily showing that I wasn't afraid to fight back.

"So the little miss isn't afraid of us. How about we change that. Boys, Grab her."

One boy charges at me, and grabs me by the throat. I couldn't breath, I look all over the room but my eyes settled on the leader who was just smiling and laughing.

"You... w-ill.. p-pay.." I say faintly. I quickly realized that in the door, someone was watching and filming. The messy orange hair.

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