Sweet today

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"You got a role in 'Sweet today'!"

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"You got a role in 'Sweet today'!"

Hina slightly flinches away due to the fact that Tsukiko's voice had almost pierced her eardrums from the other line of the phone. "Y-yeah, surprised you never heard of the Tv adaptation despite rambling on and on about the manga." Hina saids as she heard Tsukiko let out a sigh.

"Well I did hear about the adaptation. But I've seen people have said that it isn't... the greatest." Tsukiko explains as he seems a bit hesitant to go into detail. "If you want to know what I'm saying, check the Tv drama yourself." Tsukiko suggests as Hina hums in reply.

And shortly after, Hina decides to check the show out. Opening her computer and searching up 'Sweet today". It wasn't before long until she found the TV drama, seeing that it had so little 5 stars reviews. This was one of the many signs that this drama might not be as good.

Hina proceeds to check one of the episodes, hoping that people on the internet were being dramatic and the drama was just underrated.

The scene starts with very beautiful scenery

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The scene starts with very beautiful scenery. Cherry blossoms falling down from the trees as Kana, the female lead stands beside the male lead who had purple-hair and light brown eyes.

"Hey, so..."

Kana hums in confusion as looks up at the guy, who had his hand on his head. "Do you have enjoyment out of making that face?" The boy asks, his acting clearly showing no passion in the role at all.

"There something you want?" Kana asks. "Not really, I was just chasing some cat and happened to come across you." The boy replied. "What the heck?" Kana said with a small smile.

"Well look at that... You're cute when you smile." The boy teases as Kana blushes. "H-hey now... don't tease me like that." Kana stutters. "Be honest with yourself." After the male lead had said his line, another boy came into the scene.

"Hey, buddy! Hands off my girl!" The second boy argued.

"Huh? What's your deal, man?" The male lead asks with fake irritation.

My love reaches deeper [BOOK 1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora