Éclaircie - thunderstorm

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Alexarttv7 wiii

"I know she was made by God when i saw lightning in her hips."


i crave the lightning that striates your legs.
i crave the furious, dark blue waves of your eyes.
i crave the pale light of your skin.
i crave the little watercolor spots that your freckles are.
i crave the cherry red that tints your lips.
i crave the softness of your voice.
i crave the roughness of your angles, i crave the fluidity of your curves.
i crave the sound of your breath and the feeling of your hands.
i crave the tumultuous sound of your thoughts and the calming sight of your smile.
i crave the music of your laugh and the melody of your words.
i crave the beauty of your poems and the splendor of your art.
i crave the gold of the sun lighting up your body, and i miss the atmosphere of your room when it rains.
i miss the simple things that invade my fragile heart when i see you, and i miss the joy you bring to my life by just being here.
i miss the sight of the most beautiful, splendid, graceful, charming person i have ever met,

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