Chapter 7: The Abyss

Start from the beginning

Why was he being so nonchalant about this?!,  You thought. 

"Why are you being so odd about a fucking X-ray De?!" you shout finally letting the anger out. 

"watch your mouth when talking to me!" he shouts back at you. 

"Or what?? you gonna hit me?? ground me?" you say tempting him. 

"I said no, why can't you just understand I don't wanna go get an X-ray" he says, still not understanding the impact this would have. 

"It's not the fact that you're saying no, it's the fact your not saying why you don't want the X-ray done" you admit, "I don't owe you shit Y/n, and actually I will ground you starting now you're grounded for a week!" he shouts.

"Boy you can't ground me" you say with a stank face, "I just did dumbass, every time you come home you will give me your phone and you'll get it back every morning until your punishment is over" he yells with a strict tone. 

"You not my daddy nigga" you say with a disgusting attitude and a  stank face as you storm off into your bedroom slamming the door behind you, leaving your brother angry.



Those words festered within your brothers conscious, he had to restrain himself from breaking down your door, he had to stop thinking about what would have happened once he broke down the door because God knows what he would've done. 

"WELL FUCK YOU TO YOU LITTLE FUCKING BRAT" he shouts with a angry devilish tone as he walks out the door slamming the door causing the floor to shake a bit.

Leaving you in an empty apartment, filled with the awful moments that just transpired, leaving you with tears forming in your eyes, filling your room with silent sobs. 


After a rough morning you finally got yourself together and got ready for school and left the house, your now entering the gates of U.A. 

As exhausted you are and already mentally not in the right place, you fake a smile trying to get through the day. 

As you walk into the building the first recognizable face you see is the smiley energetic red head himself, Kirishima. 

"Good Morning Y/n" the boy says flashing his shark teeth at you, "Morning Kirishma" you say smiling back at him. 

"You excited about next weeks training!" he says, "Oh you mean at the U.S.J?" you ask. 

"YEA!, I can't wait to show what I can do!" he exclaims making smile for him.

As you both make it to class you see everyone conversing amongst them selves, Kirishima immediately dragging you towards the crowd where everyone greets you, "MORNING Y/N!" exclaims Mina "Morning Mina" you say, "So what was the whole Aizawa office thing about" she asks "Oh it was nothing" you lie forcing a smile. 

Moments pass as everyone is talking, Mr. Aizawa comes in the room and everyone scatters to their assigned seats. 

"Morning Everyone, today I have nothing planned since I'm to busy getting things ready at the U.S.J, so you guys can just go over some notes." he says " Also no school tomorrow, since we start the U.S.J training on Monday I would like to give you guys a day of studying and thinking n how you can use your quirk in affective ways". 

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