☁️short story✨️

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A yellow taxi drove across the highway. A girl with brown and curly hair, was sitting inside. She was on the way to the library, her favourite place. The driver looked to Scarlett and asked: ,,Library?" She nodded. ,,Yes."

After a few minutes, she could see the library. The taxi stopped and she went out. Her smart phone was ringing.

Hey, where are you?
Wanna meet?
Of cours. 3 pm?

Quickly she went in to the house. On the counter, the librarian, Margot, smiled wehn she saw Scarlett. ,,Hello Scralett! How are you? Do you want to study? I think, Sage is also coming?", she asked with a big smile on her face.
,,Oh, many questions", the girl had to smile, ,,Yes, I'm fine. An other yes... At three pm."
After a little exchange of words, she headed in the direction of the biology books. She walked along the books. Suddenly, her eyes stucked on an old book. It was surrounded by normal, new ones.

Scarlett reached out and took it. immediately, when her hand touched it, the mood was mysterious. She sat down and looked spellbound at the pages.

Look around and see the book throw down the white Cloth. A little look up and you'll find what you're looking for.

Suddenly Sage came around the corner. The girl got up and hugged her best friend. ,,Heyyy, how are you?" the blonde asked.
,,Fine.", she smiled.
,,Uhm, sorry Scar, I have to go to the toilet..."
Scarlett nodded and the other girl went away.

Her mind started racing. She had the book. But what was this robe? Of course, she could just pretend nothing happened, but she couldn't. Not yet.

On the other end of the floor, there was an
cloth. A white cloth. She looked in the direction confused. Quickly, she looked around and then went in the direction of the object. The white linen cloth hung over something, what looked like a marble bust. Interested, Scarlett looked under the Cloth, then onto the ceiling of the library.

Old book of biology

She looked at the cover of the old book. Old book of biology. That was in her hands. The brown-haired leafed back a few pages. It said It's in the basement. What is there in the basement? What would she expect? Fortunately, she knew the library well. Unfortunately, completely forgetting her friend, she went down the old stone stairs. Scarlett opened a wooden gate. It creaked and a torrent of musty air came towards her.

After a few looks, she saw some phoiles with green herbs inside. She picked up one of the glass tubes and sniffed it carefully. It smelled of mint and elderberry. It reminded her of something, an event in the past, she wasn't sure what it was.

,,Scar, we'll be live in five minutes!" shouted James, her makeup artist.

Where are you? Sage we'll start in five minutes!

How could anyone be so messy?,,Scarlett, are you ready? By the way, where is Sage?", Mary came running frantically. She liked her producer, even if she often talked a lot.

,,Hey Scar, sorry I'm late, forgot my drumsticks at home." As soon as Sage was done, she ran to James.

,,Hello you guys! What's up? Are you ready?" Scarlett called five minutes later on stage, under her a crowd of fans. She got a big Yes.

After a few minutes, suddenly she faded. This was the last thing, she could remember.

When she woke up, she was lying in a white room. Her hands felt lame and tired. She carefully tried to move her hands. When she did, small plants sprout from her hands. Startled, she sat up.

Just as she was about to get up, a doctor came in. ,,Oh great Miss Smith. How are you? Feeling weird?", apparently he couldn't see the plants as he didn't show any reaction when he looked at her hands.

,,We have diagnosed you with the following..."


Daraus wird vllt noch ein eigenes Buch... Mal schauen :D

Achja, sorry wenn das Englisch nicht ganz so gut ist.... Joa ich kann kein Englisch xD

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