After that, I was able to move forward, get on Matt's chest and slap the shit out of him.

Me: 平手打ちしたい? (You wanna slap me?)

As I slapped his face...

Me: あなたは自分がタフだと思いますよね? (You think you're tough, huh?)

...I slapped him again, but a very loud smack was made as the crowd cringed at what they just heard.

Me: もう一度やり直してください、バカみたいなサッカーママ! (Try again, you soccer mom looking dumbass!)

I picked him up by his hair, threw him into the corner and I started kneeing him in the ribs until the ref counted to 4 as I Irish whipped him to the other corner where he was back first against the turnbuckles, I ran and he gave me a kick to my gut, and looked for a Floating Bro, but I caught him in a powerbomb position and I dropped him on his back.

I covered him, but he kicked out at 2.

When he kicked out, I stomped onto him, making him cry out in pain as I kept at it, until Candice was yelling at me, telling me to knock it off.

Instead, I gave her the "screw you" gesture as I held onto his arm, put him on his stomach and held Matt in an armlock, just to see if he could get out of this.

(A/N: Go to 0:05)

When he was trying to, I gave him a crooked head-scissors, where I balanced on my head, and looked for an Armbar, but Matt countered by leaning up against me, hoping for a pinfall, but I lifted him up for another powerbomb until he started punching my head, near my vegetated ear, and kneed my ribs before tagging in Candice.

I then tagged in my girlfriend as she went through the ropes to get into Candice's face.

Renallo: Io Shirai and Candice LeRae, they were the best of friends, but now they're two completely different people. Io has gone to the dark side and Candice is on the other.

Candice: You were my best friend, Io.

Masami: あなたが私を引き止めようとしていたことを知っておくべきでした。 (I should've known you were trying to hold me back.)

Candice: Don't you get it? Ren is evil! He has you under his influence!

Masami: そう思うならお前が悪い! (If you think that way, then you're evil!)

Candice: Then you must be lost!

Masami: あなたは私にはなれないわ、キャンディス。 (You'll never be me, Candice.)

Then, Candice slapped Masami, who felt it, but instead of crying, she lifted her hair to show a very evil smile.

Masami: ナイススラップですが、十分に難しいものではありません。 (Nice slap, but it ain't hard enough.)

She then slapped Candice off her feet and went off on her with so many punches, I didn't think she'd be in this character so well!

Then she got off Candice and started kicking her in the ribs, but after that, she started clubbing her back as hard as she could be. Masami was so relentless that she grabbed Candice by the hair, pulled her hair back, and slapped her so hard that a red imprint was left behind!

Red Is For Love (Io Shirai X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now