Part 1

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Poe's pov

I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ears. As I come to I remember falling asleep at my desk writing a book for Ranpo. "RANPO!" I shouted as I quickly rose and got ready to meet up with him. I feed Karl and let him climb onto my shoulders, putting some treats in my pockets. I walked to my car and unlocked it, hopping into the front seat and starting the engine. I pulled out of my drive way hoping I won't be late.

3rd person pov

To the detective agency from Poe's house is about 30 minutes (Poe doesn't get ready fast so he might be late). Poe stepped out of his car and locked it before heading to the agency entrance. As Poe approached the door he ran into Dazai who greeted him and told Poe Ranpo is up at his desk. He seemed to be holding a rope of some sort. Poe shrugged it off and opened the door, taking in a deep breath. He walked up the many flights of stairs, running out of breath quickly because of his build and low stamina.

Poe entered the office floor and slowly walked up to Ranpo's desk where he felt his chest wrench up and he couldn't catch his breath. As he wondered what this feeling was Ranpo interrupted his thoughts and asked Poe if he had brought the novel. Poe took a while to answer "y-yes I brought it as arranged." He scrabbled out. Ranpo laughed and snatched the book out of Poe's hands. Poe flinched at the sudden movement and let out a small gasp. Ranpo turned to Poe and apologized with a guilty look. Poe turned bright red at this sight and hoped no one had noticed the look on his face. Ranpo leaned in closer to Poe's face and opened his eyes slightly. Poe stared in awe as the detective's emerald green eyes had opened slightly to exaggerate his apology. Poe stammered his words "u-um n-n-no problem Ranpo-Kun." Ranpo stepped back and sat back down into his office chair to read the novel Poe had worked so hard on. Ranpo opened the page and began to read he read about halfway until he figured out who the prosecutor was. Ranpo read the entire thing even though he already knew who it was. Ranpo could see the bags under Poe's eyes and how his hands smelled of ink. Poe waited in agony as Ranpo read until Ranpo finally gave him the answer. "The mom had killed her own son to cover up her previous crimes." Ranpo exclaimed. Poe sighed at the thought of his defeat.

(Time skip)

At the end of work Poe was still at the agency wanting to go to a store with Ranpo. "Ranpo are you almost done with work I want to take you to a new candy store near my house." Poe sighed. Ranpo's face lit up at Poe's announcement packing up as soon as he heard the words escape from the writer's mouth. Ranpo ran practically jumping down the steps and out to Poe's car, Hoping in as soon as he unlocked it. Poe got in the drivers seat and started the car and backed out of the parking lot. They stayed silent until Ranpo spoke to Poe. "Hey Poe can I ask you something" Ranpo said. "You just did" Poe chuckled before letting him ask the actual question. "Can I stay the night at your house some dude keeps showing up at my apartment." Poe looked shocked at what he had just heard but complied. -To be continued-

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