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Pov: giving your academic rival a lap dance for a  dare


The music was blasting through the rooms of the estate, it was so loud, that you could be several feet away from the house and still be able to understand every word of the songs completely. One of your friends dragged you here, away from your studies and inside this mess of sweaty bodies pressing against each other in the daze of the music. 

It wasn't really your cup of tea, but with enough alcohol that would be fine. In fact you had a red plastic cup in your hand, you weren't sure what exactly was inside, tho it tasted alright, the alcohol burning in your throat slightly as you took another sip of your drink. 

You were looking around the room, observing the people, trying to find you friend in the mess of people, but she went of to god knows where, with the words 'I'll look for someone real quick.' And with that she was gone. 

Someone tapped your shoulder. You turned to the person. Amber. You knew her from College, though the only contact you have is the occasional exchange of 'heys'. "Hey, we are gonna play spin the bottle, you wanna join?" She points to one of the rooms, that wasn't to full with people. You nodded and followed her. 

A few people were sitting around the circle, you didnt know most of them. However one stuck out to you. Alhaitham. Your academic rival, you two were the top in your classes always trying to one up each other. 

He notices you looking at him, raising an eyebrow at you eyeing you up and down, then rolling his eyes and looking somewhere else. You looked away as well, sitting down next to Amber and a green haired girl named Collei.

-time skip-

The game has been going on for a bit. you were spinning the bottle and who ever it would lend on had to choose between truth or dare. So far you had to strip of your shirt, making you sit in a black lacy bra, and a heated make out session with one of the guys, which you didnt know the name of, but he was pretty good looking so you didnt mind. 

However you noticed that Alhaitham's gaze seemed to linger on you every few minutes or so. You good feel his eyes bore into you whenever you laughed at a joke someone made or because someone was doing something hilarious as a task. 

It was your turn again. Amber spun the bottle and it conveniently landed on you. "Dare." you spoke. The girl put a finger to her chin, thinking about a good quest for you. Then her eyes lit up and you could've sworn that you saw a light bulb appear over her head. "I dare you, to give a lap dance to-" she paused "-Alhaitham." She grinned and you blushed. Even tho you ever declared rivals you couldn't deny it, he was handsome as hell. 

You slowly got up from the ground and walked over to him, his gaze was on you his eyebrows furrowed, trying to figure you out. You sat down on his lap facing him, hips grinding against his in the rhythm of the music, you put your arms around his neck, to have better movement range.  

If you weren't drunk you would've hit your head in your hands right now crying of shame and cringing from your own actions. Though you were drunk and your drunk self couldn't care less. You had a slight smirk as you noticed something started to grow below you. Smirking you got of off him, returning to your original place. You could feel Alhaithams hot gaze on you, following every move you made. 

A few more minutes passed and you decided that you needed some more alcohol, so you got up, walking down the corridor towards the kitchen. Funny enough with the house being stuffed to the brim with people this corridor was exceptionally empty.  

Suddenly you feel yourself being pulled backwards and pushed against a wall. You looked up, wanting to scream but the sound caught in your throat, the second you saw who was pressing you against the wall, trapping you in between his arms. Alhaitham.

He leaned down, his mouth was now right next to your ear, his hot breath hitting your skin, making you shiver slightly. "Did i give you the authority to get of my lap?" he whispered into your ear. 


First ever oneshot....certainly an experience

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