To be honest, Jungkook was on cloud nine. He was feeling really really happy. First, he was going to start a new life today since he's shifting today in his husband's room. Second, his husband, himself without any force, was driving him to his work after he noticed how the weather was. He was just very very happy.

He smiled softly and looked outside at the view. It was looking like the time passed and it was evening already. The weather was calm as well as stormy. The sky seemed happy yet sad. It gave mixed feelings just like Jungkook was feeling.

One hand he was sad as his grandma Kim, Nana, Yoonie Hyung, Jimin Hyung, Yeonjun and Beomgyu went away to Jeon Mansion. Away from him. Away from Kim Manor. He was sad that they had to stay away from him. His heart was hammering in his chest due to guilt.

On the other hand, he was feeling ecstatic. He was going to move in with his husband. Now you might be thinking why is he that much happy because of just moving in with his husband? Well that's because, the closer he will be with his hyung, his husband, he will be able to heal him more feastly.

He looked up at the sky and noticed the angry clouds thundering loudly providing the coldness of water to the hot lands which were thirsty for water. They burned themselves, they hurt themselves in order to give the coldness to the hot earth.

They get whipped themselves by the harsh and angry lightning to give that peace to the world. He sighed softly as he looked beside him to notice his husband which was exactly like that cloud. He still doesn't know what happened in his life but he knows that he has whipped himself to give others peace.

It looked like he was so accustomed to pain that he didn't even flinch when he was still getting whips and whips of unfairness. He still wondered what happened in his early years which made him like that. He looked at his husband and smiled softly, his husband was driving very carefully.

He loved all the pampering but he also wanted to pamper his husband. His heart hurts a lot thinking about his husband not getting any love. He looked at the rain and smiled at one thought that striked his mind. Soon enough, they reached Jeon Consortium. Too soon for Jungkook's liking.

Taehyung calmly parked his car and pushed his hairs back from his forehead, he unbuckled his seat belt and looked to the left side to find his dear husband staring at him so fondly. He continued staring at his husband and read those doe eyes. They were tempting him, luring him, they were making his mind hazy, blurry, vague.

He wasn't able to understand what spell those doe eyes were hiding. What were they doing to him? He was clueless. His eyes darted towards that clutched left wrist of his husband. He noticed his husband getting nervous. He gently removed his left hand from his thigh and gripped his husband's left wrist after unwrapping his right hand from that bruise.

He caressed it gently, looking up with his sharp eyes, his mind asked only one question,"Who dared to assault a Kim like this?" and he vocalized his thoughts, "Who dared to touch you like that?"

His voice was deep, raw, authoritative. His gaze, piercing, hot, and absolutely scary. Jungkook's eyes widened hysterically, hearing that voice. He didn't know how to describe what he was feeling at that time. He felt euphoric? Loved? Happy? Scared? He didn't know what to call it. He was so immersed that he wasn't able to reply. He didn't know what to reply. He was flabbergasted. That rough voice, still echoing in his ears.

Soon, he snapped out of this when he felt Taehyung's right hand grabbing his jaw in rather a soft manner. He absolutely flinched at the soft touch which made Taehyung frown internally. He calmed down when he realized it was his husband. He took a deep breath when he felt his husband moving his head towards his face.

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