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1) Their should be no leader or deputy

2) Medicine cats are allowed but they can't have a connection to Starclan

3) Vengeful and Bloodthirsty cats must be pair together

4) All Starclan Connection cats must be killed or exiled (Killed if bad personality and Exiled if good)

5) Patrol at least 3/5 moons

6) Same sex mates off , Single parent on

7) At the start, pair the cats manually 

8) These rules will change at any time but 1-7 will stay the same


Incase I stop replacing the Clan names suddenly-

Oakclan=Highclan (War lovers and raid rouge replacers)

Egretclan= Rustclan (never gets bad news from them so Rust/Egret is fren)

Coyoteclan=Cougarclan (Will also use as rouge replacements sometimes)

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