Chapter 11 - Not Acting out the Emotions

Start from the beginning

"Ex-boyfriend," Rachael corrected. "We broke up."

"Yeah, which is why I'm going to win you back."

The camera I was at stayed on the group, mainly Scott, as he still had the expression. Steven shouted, "Cut! Okay, that was good. But, Scott, tone down the hurt expression. We want Sinh to be unhappy about this, but not look like he's about to go and murder John."

People chuckled at that, and Scott nodded. "Okay."

He made a glance at me as the Steven gave instructions to Rachael, Ben, as well as the rest of the cast. The scene was redone from when Rachael steps off the bus, and Ben is there to do his thing. As the scene played out, Scott made a softer expression, but he still didn't look happy. I had to convince myself that it was for the scene, but maybe those were real feelings. I was right in his line of sight.

The shot was redone a few more times, and that was lunch. People dispersed and went to shops and restaurants nearby. I wasn't hungry. In fact, I felt sick again. I went over to my supervisor and told him my stomach was churning.

"Yeah, you don't look so well," he observed. "Paler than usual."

"Thanks," I said dryly. I knew this man pretty well since he was the one who gave me my test in LA, and we instantly hit it off. He was maybe around fifty and reminded me of my dad a bit, only skinnier.

"You weren't feeling well the other day, too," he said as we stood near the bus. "You're not eating some funny Vietnamese food that your body doesn't agree with, right?"

"No, but... I think it's love sickness. Literally."

He nodded. "I heard from Naomi. You doing okay? Emotionally?"

I managed a smile, grateful for his concern. "So-so. I guess I'm just confused. Or just indecisive."

"The best advice I can give you is to follow your heart. I wouldn't have been married for thirty years if I didn't do that. If it tells you to go to him, go to him."

"I hurt him pretty badly, though. Those expressions for the scene just now... I don't think they were fake."

He knew that we were talking about Scott. "Just follow your heart. It's like that song. Or maybe that's 'Listen to your heart.' Either way, it's applicable."

The lyrics to that song automatically came to mind... Listen to your heart, when he's calling for you... Listen to your heart. There's nothing else you can do...

"I guess so," I said, and I winced when my stomach started aching.

"Okay, go on back to the hotel. Feel better. Drink some ginger tea. It'll help with your stomach. It's a natural stomach medicine."

"I'll do that. See ya. Um... maybe I'll be back tonight for the water puppet scene."

"Oh, we're doing that tomorrow, actually. Tonight, we're doing the scene where everyone finds out why Amanda's really in Vietnam, and she and Sinh fight."

Maybe I got the days mixed up. My brain was everywhere these past couple of days. "Okay. I may still work the scene. I'll text you."

"Sounds good. Feel better. Remember—ginger tea."


I left him and stared walking away. I would take the bus back to the hotel. Before I could make it twenty feet away from the set, someone said my name. I knew instantly who it was. He came and stood in front of me.

"Hey," he greeted me. "I heard you talking to Bob. Are you okay?"

He was keeping his distance earlier, but as soon as he found out I wasn't feeling well, he was with me instantly. "My stomach is bothering me again like the other day. I'm going back to the hotel to rest, then maybe I'll be back tonight for the night scene on the street. I'm going to stop at a mart to get some ginger, then go back to the hotel, actually."

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