Elvis helps Innocent!Reader make cupcakes for the Mafia

Start from the beginning

"There's my baby," Elvis smiled before the grin softened when he noticed your anxious demeanour. "What's wrong darlin'?" Elvis asked with a raised eyebrow, looking down at you.

You gestured with your hand for him to come closer, not wanting to share with Lamar and Sonny what you wanted to tell your Daddy.

Elvis crouched in front of you, letting you cup your hands around his ear and whispering, "I ruined the cupcakes Daddy." You said softly with your voice trembling.

"Oh little," Elvis cooed at the state of you. "They won't be ruined, want Daddy to come and take look hm?" Elvis asked you in an equally hushed tone to make sure you didn't feel even more embarrassed which you appreciated.

You nodded, your bottom lip jutted out and teary eyes that had gone slightly red with the tears. Elvis extended his large hand for you to slip your little one in as he quietly excused the two of you and led you back into the kitchen as you followed behind skittishly.

You anxiously chewed on your fingernails as you watched Elvis look over the tray of cupcakes, trying to anticipate his reaction. You really didn't want to let Elvis down, you'd tried really hard to make the cupcakes perfect. You furrowed your brow as you watched him smile at them and chuckle lowly, confused at why he was smiling at the sight of the cupcakes.

"Doll, these ain't ruined!" Elvis said, snaking his arm around your waist to bring you into his side and comfort you. "Look, see we can put some icing on 'em and they'll be just like the ones you like from that cute lil' bakery down the street." He said, tickling your neck to make you giggle and feel better.

Now, Elvis wouldn't really admit to you that you were right, the cupcakes didn't exactly look great, but he figured he'd be able to help with coating the soft cakes in icing.

"I just don't know how it happened, I know I was talkin' to you for a while but they cooked, like, at super speed!" You told Elvis, grabbing the manual for the oven. "Maybe I put it on the wrong buttons?" You mumbled, partially to Elvis, partially to yourself as you'd turned your concentration to the guide.

You flicked through the manual, reading all the instructions yet again, trying to figure out where you'd gone so wrong but all the jargon and terms were just confusing your little head even more.

"Damn it." You muttered, your brow furrowed and a pout on your lips, the words catching Elvis' attention.

"Uh, darlin', what have we said about you cursin'? I don't wanna punish you now," Elvis warned softly, knowing you were just frustrated and overstimulated.

"M'sorry, but you always say it!" You protested with a little whine, even if you knew he was right.

"I know, but we agreed on house rules that you weren't gonna curse none, and besides, those ain't words a baby should be usin' now, are they?" Elvis said, turning to crouch down by you so that he'd be level with you.

"M'not a baby." You said crankily - just like a baby.

"Of course you're not, little one." Elvis chided, as he would with a baby.

Elvis could tell that it was all becoming a little too much for you, so he gently took the manual from your hands, insisting that he'd take care of it all whilst he gave you all the edible decorations that you could put on the cakes to make them look all sweet and pretty.

By the time the two of you were done, they really didn't look that bad, you were grateful that Elvis had stepped in, knowing you wouldn't have been able to do it all on your own.

You leaned up on your tippy-toes to give him a kiss, his strong arms wrapping around your waist as he lifted you off your feet, causing you to pull back from the kiss with a giggle.

Elvis walked behind you as you both left the kitchen into the dining room and living area, with you proudly holding a tray of the finished cupcakes, your face positively beaming with delight and anticipation at the decorated baked goods.

"Everyone, c'mere! Y/N has somethin' she wants to give y'all." Elvis called out, grinning down at you before offering you a wink, making you blush.

All of the Mafia and their girlfriends flocked to you, taking a cupcake each and complimenting them, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside at everyone being so friendly and kind. You looked up at Elvis after everyone had taken a cupcake, shocked that everyone seemed to want one - little did you know about the $50 in everyones pockets.

"Here's your one!" You smiled, offering Elvis a cupcake that had icing formed into a love heart shape.

"Awh, thank you darlin'." Elvis praised, rubbing your back as he tucked into the cake. Sure, it was dry and a bit crumbly, but the icing had made up for it and it wasn't a bad attempt by any means, he was proud of you, knowing what this afternoon meant to you.

"D'ya like it?" You asked softly, nervous for his answer.

"Best cupcake I ever did have, yittle." Elvis chuckled.

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