19- Someone i once called dad

Comincia dall'inizio

Tweek thinks for a few seconds

"Gah Fine I think?"

We both laugh at each other,

The doctor walks in

"Ahh im glad you two are awake, you have some visitors, I'll just let you know your injuries and then you can see them"

The doctor explains our wounds and what they did to treat them,

Damn that asshole really did a number on me, 10% more blood and I could've died,

I would've haunted that fucker in the afterlife.

The doctor finally finished, before letting two people in and then leaving.

Ruby and my mom.

"Craig you're okay!!" Ruby smiled as she hugged me,

She must've been really worried as we're not those siblings that usually hug or shit like that,

I laugh "I am indeed"

She smiled before smiling at Tweek

"I'm glad you're okay to, wouldn't want Craig's future husband to die" she winks

I'm gonna kill her.

Tweek twitches

"Aha Gah um thanks I guess" he chuckles, clearly not knowing what to say to that little comment.

I look back at my mom

"Craig.." she spoke softly,

"Stop." I deadpan, filling the room with silence,

I know I've made it awkward now, but I don't care.

I've been angry for so long for what she did, and because of it Tweek and I got beat and now we're sat in hospital.

"I told you. I fucking told you mom. But you didn't care, you only cared for the house and bills. Over all of our safety, I mean come on even fucking Tweek got caught in the crossfire. I told you I would've helped you, but you took the easy way out. Letting that abusive asshole back into our life's." I speak anger filling my tone.

"Craig i kn.."

"I'm not finished.. That is not the first time he's laid his hands on me since he's been back, but I stayed quiet to make your life easier. Even though in the long run you were being the selfish one. So please don't try tell me you know because you don't, you have no right to say that anymore.. all of this could've been prevented if you just had listened to me"

I think back, when my dad had knocked me out, I slowly gained consciousness again,

When I opened my eyes he was still above me, throwing punch after punch,

When he noticed I was awake his eyes became unrecognisable, someone I didn't know.

Not the dad that taught me how to ride a bike, not the dad that taught me how to play baseball, not the dad that I used to know and love.

No, an unrecognisable evil man that I used to call dad..

"Why the fuck won't you die??"

Those words hit like a ton of bricks,

I begin to struggle, worried for my life,

He's to strong, I feel his hands wrap around my neck,

My hearts breaking now, my dad is trying to kill me.

My dad..

He begins to squeeze, I'm slowly losing my breath,

I claw at his hands, praying he'll let go,

"D-dad.. I ca-can't brea-th... p-please stop" I begin to beg,

He ignores me and continues squeezing, his grip getting tighter with each squeeze,

I can hear my heartbeat in my ears, it's to quick,

I begin to stop struggling, losing my energy,

I can't come to terms with death, there's so much I want to do, I want to maybe be a racer for red racer or an astronaut, or tell Tweek I like him...

Oh fuck.

No no I can not die not after this realisation,

I begin fighting back once more,

"Please" I whine with the few breaths I have left,

I don't know if this will be the best choice , but I might as well try,

I lift my knee and with all my possible force I bring it back up,

My dad moves back slightly, pain filling his face,

He immediately begins to punch me, this is better than him strangling me I guess,

I once again lose consciousness.

I quit thinking and remember I'm still in the hospital, Tweek, Ruby and mom all staring at me.

"Maybe I wouldn't have to know my own dad would try to kill me and not stop when I begged him to" I sputter out my voice breaking slightly..

I feel tears fill my eyes, I don't try to hide them as they fall,

I can feel everyone's eyes on me,

Craig tucker the cold hearted asshole is now crying in front of people,

The emotionless robot who doesn't care about anything is crying,

"Get out." I speak through my shaky voice

My mom immediately leaves the room, Ruby grabs my hand to say it's okay, before following after her.

Tweeks pov

I watched as Craig's mom and sister left the room,

There was so much to unravel right now I could barely think,

I cracked the code, the reason Craig became closed of was because of his dad..

Fucking asshole.

I jump of the bed and walk over to Craig


He shakes his head refusing to look at me,

"Craig I'm not going to look at you any different just because you're crying." I speak softly

He lets out a small breath before looking at me,

His eyes were puffy and bloodshot, I wiped his tears with my hand and pulled his head into my chest,

"It's okay Craig..I'm here" I say as I stroke his hair

usually I'm terrible at cheering people up, but for some reason it's easier with Craig.. it just seems so natural.

I feel his soft sobs on my chest,

We were like that for 10 minutes before Craig lifted his head up and smiled at me.

"Thank you."

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora