(this for refrence, change some stuff. but you're wearing converse.)

leaving for the world cup!
see y'all soon<3

aight! see you soon Trix!


"Harry!" Hermione was shaking harry, Harry is flustered and still panicing after waking up, "Are you alright Prongs?" Astrix asked, "Moony, Bad dream. When did hermione get here?" he asked, "Just now. You?" Hermione replied, "Last night." Hermione goes over to Ron's bed. "Wake up. Wake up Ronald!" Ron woke up and sees Hermione, he puts a blanket over his chest. "Bloody hell!" he said. "Honestly. Get dressed, and don't go back to sleep. Come on Ron! Your mother says breakfast's ready." Ron infact went back to sleep.


everyone is walking along the forest, Harry and Ron together as always Hermione and Ginny are walking together. "you know if you look for her any more longer you're gonna burn a hole in a tree." Ginny joked, "i can smell worry." Ginny nudges her arm, "okay, im worried, but Astrix is no where to be seen." Hermione responded, "Where are we actually going?" Harry asked, "Dont know, Hey Dad! Where are we going?" Ron asked, "Haven't the foggiest, keep up!" Arthur responded. "Arthur! It's about time son."

"Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." Arthur looked at Ron, "This is Amos Diggory everyone, he works with me at the ministry." Two people fall from a tree, "Hey guys." Astrix greeted. "And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Arthur asked, "Yes sir." they shake hands, "Astrix! where the bloody hell did you go?!" Harry asked, "i actually dont know, i kinda just went on my own journey before you all and met Cedric." Astrix responded.

"Merlin's beard, you must be Harry Potter." Amos pulled Harry away, "Yes sir." Harry responded, "Great great pleasure." They shake hands.
"Pleasure to meet you too sir." They walk on up the hill and see a boot "hey, you know Portkeys right?" Cedric asked, "of course, my dad uses them." Astrix responded, "spoiler alert, were gonna use one." Cedric winked at her and chased his dad, Astrix felt a hand around hers while walking towards a boot. "Shall we? We don't want to be late." Amos asked.

they gather around a boot on top of the hillside. "Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" Harry asked, "That isn't just any old manky boot mate." Fred responded, "It's a portkey." George added, you can tell them apart from how much time you three spend together, Everyone is in a circle putting their hands on the boot. "Time to go. Ready?" Astrix asked, "Moony, whats a 'portkey'?" harry asked, "After 3. One... Two..." Amos started counting, "Prongs! Moony!" Ron called out, the duo rushes over and puts his hand on the boot.

"Three!" There's a white flash and suddenly they're all flying through
the air. Everyone cheers. "Let go lads!" Astrix said, "What??" Hermione asked, "Let! Go!" Arthur responded

Harry, Hermione and the young Weasleys crash to the ground with
a thump. Arthur, Amos, Astrix and Cedric come down more gracefully. "I bet that cleared your sinuses eh?" Arthur joked, Astrix helps Hermione to his feet. "i 'ought you were gonna know what a portkey is, considering the amount of books you read." Astrix wrapped a arm around Hermiones neck. They walk across the field and we see there's a massive crowd, gathered and cheering, tents are set up all over.

"Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch. World Cup!" They walk into the crowd, taking in the sights. Music is playing and people fly about overhead on brooms. They approach a small tent. "Parting of the waves I think old chap, see you at the match." Cedric walked up to you, "Irish will win." He told. Amos and Cedric separate and walk off.

"Home sweet home." They enter the tent, the inside is many times bigger than the outside. "Girls. Choose a bunk and unpack. Ron, get out of the kitchen we're all hungry." Harry looked around in amazement, "magic is great." Astrix whispered to harry and went to a bunk to unpack "Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron." the twins say in unison "Feet off the table." Arthur pointed to Fred, "Feet off the table." the twins releat They take their feet off the table and put them back on as soon as Arthur has walked past.


they walk up hillside onto a large stadium which seems to have
a huge number of floors. The Weasleys and mini Marauders are finding their seats "Blimey Dad, how far up are we?" Ron asked, Lucius Malfoy and Draco are walking below them. "Well put it this way, if it rains... you'll be the first to know" says Lucius, "Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Malfoy gets stopped by his Fathers cane, "Don't boast Draco. There's no need with these people. Do enjoy yourself won't you. While you can." The ceremonies begin. Balloons fly and fireworks go off. "Come on up, take your seats. I told you these seats would be worth waiting for."

"Come on!" says George, "It's the Irish!" says Fred Five green and white figures fly through the air on their brooms leaving a colored trail behind them. A glittering leprechaun appears in the sky and starts dancing. Everyone is excited. "Here come the Bulgarians!" Five red figures this time, one of them performs a stunt on his broom. One of them appears on the large screen. The crowd begins to chant 'Krum, Krum, Krum'.

Viktor Krum waves to the crowd. "Good evening! It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. Let the match begin!" the annoucer says.

"There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete, he's an artist." The twins are bumbling about in a comical way muttering 'KRUMMMM' while Astrix is taking her hoodie off, "Astrix! dont just strip in the open!" Ginny said, "relax, shes wearing an under, Moony isnt that dumb." Hermione walked around. "Viktor I love you! Viktor I do!" The twins are singing, Harry joins in. "When we're apart my heart beats only for youuu!"

"Sounds like the irish have got their pride on." Fred says, "Stop! Stop it. It's not the irish. We've gotta get out of here. Now." Arthur says, "what is it?" Hermione asked, "death eaters.. exactly what i feared." Astrix responded


"Get back to the portkey everybody, and stick together. Fred, George... Ginny is your responsibility." Some figures in pointed hoods carrying flaming torches are walking across the campsite chanting ominous noises. The crowd is paniced and rushing all over. Harry is trampled unconscious. "PRONGS!" Astrix ran back to where Harry was, to also be trampled unconscious.


The crowds have all gone. A man walks through the rubble kicking
at things. He casts a spell which causes a bright flash and a
large ghostly skull forms in the sky with a snake crawling from
it. The man grins evilly, clearly demented. Astrix stirs and witnesses
the man standing there. "prongs, prongs,PRONGS!" Harry wakes up and looks behinds him, the two then runs. The familiar voices of Ron
and Hermione are calling for them.

"Been looking for you for ages. Thought we lost you." Ron told Harry, "you gave me a bloody heart Attack!" Hermione punched Astrix "ow! im sorry, you dont expect me to leave my brother to die!" Astrix responded, "What is that?" Harry asked, They look at the monstrous thing in the sky, Harry holds his head in pain, Astrix holds her neck in pain and cries out in pain. Suddenly they are fired on. "Stop! That's my son." Arthur and others approach. "Ron, Harry and Astrix, Hermione are you alright?" Arthur asks, "Which of you conjured this?" Bartu asked, "You can't possibly.. - Do not lie! You have been discovered at the scene of the crime!"

"Crime?" Harry asked, "Barty, they're just kids." says Arthur "What crime?" Astrix asked, "Harry it's his mark." Hermione stated, "Those people tonight, in the masks... they're his too aren't they? they're
his followers, are they?" Harry asked, "There was a man. Before. There." Astrix told, "All of you, this way." Barty leaded them out, "Astrix, who?" Arthur asked, "we dunno. we didn't see his face." Harry responded.

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