You bit your tongue as you slowly shuffled to the door, you could feel your stomach betraying you. The feeling crawling up your throat as you breathed slowly, trying to make sure it stayed down. You could feel the stares on you. Trying your best to hurry out of there and make it to the closes restroom. Your shaking sore legs carrying your pathetic form away from the flock of lambs. A soft sweat covered hand gripping the wall tightly as it's owner stumbled out into the hallway. The rest of team Z watching in concern at the sight of the short (h/c) 'male' leaving. All silently agreeing to themselves how that fall must've hurt. Raichi even quit his insults as he let out a small 'tsk' before going back into his workout. He wouldn't dare admit it but he too was a little worried, after all you didn't say any snarky comments back or answer Isagi.

"The bathroom is close..."

That was all you could muster out. Mumbling to yourself as your feet slapped against the cool floor. Trying your best to reassure yourself as you staggered down the plain empty halls. Just around this corner would be the bathroom and then you would be safe. You turned, your eyes looking down at your feet to keep themselves focused on making sure you didn't fall. You let out a soft 'oof' as your sweaty tired form collided against someone. The impact making your eyes widen in shock as you quickly bit back the bile that rose up. You swallowed it, nearly puking again at the taste but managing to get over it as you quickly stumbled around the person.

"Hey, aren't you-... Are you alright?" The person quickly started annoyed before a tone of concern took over.

Lifting your head up so you could look at the individual. You so badly wanted to apologize but couldn't bare to open your mouth at the moment, in fear vomit will shoot out if you attempted to utter a word. Confused concerned purple eyes stared at you, awaiting a reply. You just shook your head lightly as you quickly shuffled past him to continue towards the bathroom. The purple haired individual stared at your retreating form, debating whether or not if he should go assist you. He shrugged his shoulders, deciding it wasn't his problem and began back on his trip to his destination.

Your body collided against the door as you awaited for it to open itself. Nearly falling in as you staggered, trying your best to regain your balance and not fall onto the hard floor. Slamming a hand against the wall, you let out a nervous breath before continuing on into the clean restroom. You pushed open the closes stall and locked the door behind you before collapsing and gripping the toilet seat as your body heaved and retched. Letting out the contents of your breakfast and bits of dinner. You coughed and gagged as you gasped for air.

Your hands shakily lifted up the ends of your sweat soaked shirt as a disgusting shaky breath left your parted lips. You needed to take the damn binder off, it was hindering your breathing. It was just so constricting. You placed the shirt on the ground, not caring, just wanting to be relieved of this pressure. You slipped it off and let out a breath of relief. It felt like a humongous weight had been lifted.

You hummed as you leaned against the bathroom stall door. You didn't care how sweaty you were or how gross your mouth tasted, you just needed a second to breathe. Running a hand through your sweat drenched (h/c) hair you hummed lightly as you shut your eyes. Enjoying the slight freedom you had. It would only make sense that the binder would hinder you a bit but you didn't expect it to make it so hard for you to try and push your limits. You'd have to gradually do it and get used to it. The door opened and you just let out a small hum as you heard footsteps come in the restroom.

"(Last name)?"

(E/c) eyes cracked open as you slowly lifted yourself from the door. Your eyes traveling the feet of the intruder, watching silently as they approached the stalls. The feet halting at the stall you resided in. A frown broke out onto your face, the moment of freedom having to be cut shorter than expected. You sighed, silently cursing the individual for interrupting such a important moment for you. Though, a part of you wouldn't lie when you felt your heart flutter at the concern lacing their voice. You hurried to put your binder back on and shirt, opening your mouth to respond to the worried lamb only to nearly gag at the taste. Light knocking interrupted your disgust as you shakily stood up. Flushing the toilet, your hand wrapped around the lock before pushing the door open. Tired (e/c) eyes locking onto concerned orange ones. You gave Kunigami a sluggish smile as you moved to go past him. He furrowed his brows and put his hands out to stop you.

Lambs - Blue Lock x f. Reader (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now