Chapter 3: Meeting Him

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"You lose,... which means you failed

Those words rang into your head as you lie on the ground barely being able to look up at your teacher standing over you in such a menacing fashion. 

Does this mean you're not fit to be hero?!, does this mean you have to give up on your dream to becoming a hero?? 

Your brother was so proud to see you go into U.A!! how would he feel knowing that you got expelled in less than 24 hours within being on the school grounds just because your home room teacher didn't think you were worth enough to even lace up the boots of becoming a hero. 

This means you can't even follow within the footsteps of your Idol Mirko, this means you would never be able to even join her agency as one of her sidekicks.

All because you don't have what it takes.

"Y/N" your teacher spoke interrupting your wondering thoughts, he puts his hand out to help you up, you of course take his hand and he helps you up off the ground. 

"Go to the nurses office, she'll help with whatever pain you're feeling" he says walking away, your clearly sadden by the fact that this means your dreams have just been shattered by one simple move. 

"I'll be expecting to see you in class tomorrow.," he says still walking away, leaving you confused.

"If I didn't make that clear, you're not expelled" he says stopping and turning his head around to face you, leaving you in shock and your heart pounding at the near heat attack he'd almost given you.

"Welcome to U.A....Y/N L/N" he says as he starts to leave again, leaving you in the middle of the field bruised and jaw dropped. 


As you walk closer to the nursery, the door opens without you having to touch it, you see a small old lady until you realize who it is. 

"YOU'RE RECOVERY GIRL!!!" you shout in excitement "yes hello" the women greets you with a warm smile on her face "What are you doing here at U.A" you ask the old hero "Well since I retired I've always been here" says the old women "so what brings you here in my office" 

"OH, I've suffered a minor injury with my head or something" you say not so sure why you're there "oh well just sit on the couch I'll be back I have an X-ray to get printed" the old Hero says while exciting the room.

As you walk further in the room you see Midoriya on a hospital bed, clearly injured, you speed to his bed in panic.

"MIDORIYA WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU???" you shout in panic, "oh this?, don't worry about me Y/N, just heavy combat training" he says with a forced chuckle. 

"WHO WHOOPED YOUR ASS LIKE THIS???" you say with shock and panic "Kacchan" he says sadly and reflecting on what happened, "who?" you ask confused.

"oh right, Bakugou, I mean" he says trying to get you to understand, but you're still confused,"Midoriya it's my first day, and only two boys didn't introduce themselves to me and that's the boy with the two toned hair and the blonde with clear anger issues, which is which" 

"The blonde" says Midooriya, "Wow, did he know it was just a training exercise??" you say trying to bring some humor into the gloomy room"yea but thats just Kacchan for you, he always gives his all no mater what" he says with bright and wide eyes, almost like he's admiring him. 

"Wait, I'm sorry, you said his name was Bakugou right? why do you keep calling him Kacchan?" you ask, and making Midoriya spring up a bit, "well me and Kacchan knew each other since we were in preschool" he says almost excited that you even asked such a question. 

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